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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4



Corona learns Ingi's true feelings about marriage. Sean and Joanne's mom Donna finally meet, and she has questions. James fears Tatha's sister will drive a wedge between them. Lily's daughter Vivian worries about her mom's lack of a sex life.

Corona/Ingi: 11.06

James/Tata: 31.56

Josh/ Lily: 45.40

Joanne/ Sean 53.12



Super Nova

I couldn't wait to comment that coronas friend looked like Carol #1😅🤣

Peggy Ann

Nope, can’t forgive someone for spreading malicious rumors just to do so. My mum’s sister has done that for 60 years, ever since the bitch could sort of say my mum’s name (mum’s name is Kathleen and the sister could only say Kath at first)

Peggy Ann

I’m loving the Rosie segways. I now know about her documentary and look forward to watching it

Katherine Rea

Justice for the anxious parentified oldest daughters who just wanna be hippies 🤪🤘

Monique Willis

Hey Poods, there is a show on VH1/MTV called Unfaithful: Caught in the Act

Amanda Bolcar

Mattie I throughly enjoyed your story about Rosie and the Menendez brothers, thank you!!

Ashley Janes

Can we get more Rosie, lol 😂

Ruby Melissa Ward

I for one appreciate the Menendez story. I look forward to that documentary!!


Mattie, I gotta count how many times Tata cries now too? Who do I file the workers comp claim with once I get carpal tunnel? 😂

Jennifer Thompson

It’s very difficult to for US Citizens to immigrate to Iceland. HOWEVER they have a healthcare worker shortage and special allowances are made for nurses. I assume this is how Corona planned to stay. Remember when she said it was super important she passed her nursing test? That’s why. If you’re European - its really easy to move there.


I needed to know that information about Rosie o donnel!!! I just listed to her episode with Lyle Menéndez. Thank you Mattie ❤️.

Rizzy Ramone

EDIT: apparently he wasn’t there, he just heard about it second hand, I got two of his evacuation stories mixed up 😂 I have however experienced the smell of durian and can attest to its awesome power (especially on public transport in the height of summer) A few years ago my partner was studying in the library when alarms started going off and the whole building was evacuated. A few hours and 40 firefighters later they were let back in. TURNS OUT SOMEONE LEFT DURIAN IN A CUPBOARD AND IT SET OFF THE GAS ALARM! True story! It made international news! https://time.com/5259241/rotting-durian-gas-leak-scare-rmit-library/


Miss Marr es en fuego! 🔥 Enjoyed the dogs-for-autistics story.

Dana Tabala

Yooo… that Rosie story!!! 😱 I love her and I REALLY love this!

Madeline Wysong

Mattie’s Irish accent was the most unhinged rollercoaster ride 🤣

Brenna Parhad

I know it is completely scripted but I never miss that show. I just love Tami Roman too much

Elisabeth Berry

Reality Gays live show at the Penis museum in Iceland!!


My card went through so still no podcasts


“well…. it’s seems like it would be a lot more hard work to get a vagina” 🤣 yes, yes indeed. in all the ways.

Val McCue

I saw that scene and all I could think of was these two 🤣

Hillary Zalaznick

Should the past tense of “to Chantel” be “Chantold”? Tatha Chantold James to her sister?

Andrea Shaw

Anybody can move to Norway or Sweden, they are open door countries and accept people from everywhere. In Norway, in particular, you only have to live there for 2 years and you can apply for citizenship. They even offer free programs to learn Norwegian and learn about Norwegian culture. Free university education and free healthcare. Only two problems: really fucking cold and you need to learn Norwegian to work and go to school

Elisabeth Berry

My mom loved the Rosie O’Donnell show and got me a stuffed Rosie doll that said three or four catch phrases like “what a cutie patootie!”

Dee Fitzda

Am I the only one who misses Poodle's Ingi voice? Anyone...?

Alison Waymire

I have been with a guy that broke his penis before me. It was a little crooked, still worked just fine 🤣

Jennifer Riester

Mattie - I loved your Rosie corner. I have a niece with FASD who is struggling quite a bit right now and that story restored my hope that she will be ok ❤

Brittney Scott

Agatha All Along is a great recommendation btw! 🔥

Reality Gays

Shoot us a message. But your account looks fine on our end. Do you use supercast, Patreon?! Sounds silly but sometimes logout and log back in does it.


Thank you 💕

Amy Diehl

There are sooo many types of fruits we don't know about, including tons of different types of apples. I want to try them all! I have had Durian and it's nasty 😂


Mattie I really appreciated your Rosie corner. Made me tear up.

Caroline Dickie

Durian is an acquired taste. Some people absolutely love it but a lot of people can’t get past the smell. It’s sorta smells like sweet hot garbage with maybe some gasoline fumes thrown in. In Singapore there are “no durian” signs on buses and the outsides of some buildings. Even durian flavored things smell super strong, don’t ask me how I know.


Mattie, I love your Rosie O’donnel/ Menendez Brothers story. I teared up. Thanks for sharing and doing a Mattie Feelings Corner.

Kim Longo

Vivian is QUEEN!!

Carey Addis

Ace and Katelyn JUST did a recap of an old documentary about this penis museum in Iceland. 2 men wanting to have their dicks be the first human donations. Of course one of them was an American with a flag tattooed on his penis.

Carey Addis

I would LOVE a stand up corner! I don’t watch plays or musicals, but I see every big comedian that comes my way. I’d love inside stories about them.


I went to a taping of the Rosie show when I was 12… so much fun!