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You came at us! So we are recapping not one...but TWO EPISODES of Indian Matchmaking, Netflix's newest hit show. The next episode will drop next Friday. 

In this episode, Sima meets three unlucky-in-love clients: a stubborn Houston lawyer, a picky Mumbai bachelor and a misunderstood Morris Plains, N.J., event planner.

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Listen to our Sabrina podcast, called Bitchcraft. Netflix has us living for this show! Bitchcraft: The Sabrina Recap Show

Listen to our recap show of Riverdale…yes it’s RIVERMALES!

Listen to Mattie’s other ADVICE podcast, THE DEAR MATTIE SHOW!



Carissa Smith

So excited!! 😬😬 keep going Queens!

Lourdes Mori

I only watched ep 1 Hahahah. Why. ??? Yes, I’m coming at ya. Still excited for this ☺️

Lucy Robinson

Wait I watched episode 3 because that was in the title

Lucy Robinson

That’s okay what the fuck else am I doing

Lucy Robinson

Altso like a year ago on straight talk with ross Mathews they had a gay matchmaker on who fixed up a guy on the show. He took audio of the date including the sexy stuff they did in the bathroom. It was fuckin crazyyyyy!!! I’ll try to find it

Lucy Robinson

Sorry for quadruple posting but this shit was wild!!! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/straight-talk-with-ross-mathews/id935740416?i=1000419192929


I also think Pradyuham plays for the other team


I loved it but....I could not unsee the thing from the hot guys ear. My nephew was was born with that and my sister had that shit removed before they left the hospital!

Lucy Robinson

His closet looked like a department store and he could have designed for Fierce Drag Jewels

Lucy Robinson

I fully emailed Vyasar and asked him for a video date


When I was a flight attendant I had a friend Inder. He was from India. He had an arranged marriage. They had two beautiful boys but he divorced the wife (it was Mutual) his boys went off to college and he retired in Arizona (far from his family in NY) and settle down with a beautiful Mexican girl. But.....back in the 90’s when I became a flight attendant (that’s when I met Inder) Delta Airlines had a base in India. Omg the woman were the most beautiful you ever saw. Absolutely the most gorgeous men and women I have ever seen.

Sean F.B.

Boys what’s the number to leave a message? -the one heterosexual fan 😂😂😂


Matty and Poodle! PLEASE start a matchmaking/life-coaching business! And then officiate the weddings! The sissy squad will keep you busy and make you rich!!

Canadian Sissy

Y'all better review the whole ass series! 😂🙏

Joanne Weitzel (grn_tara)

I really enjoyed this series, it was different to what I expected. Considering approx 50% of all ‘love marriages’ end in divorce, I’d give this matchmaker a shot. I’m with Poole on ghosting ... I don’t let them get away with it either.

Andi Rock

I haven’t listening to this yet, but I just started Indian match making and I’m 2 episodes in... I love it


Can't believe that Poodle missed Pradyuham's HUGE ear mole and Mattie caught it! Loved to hear you take on this, drop more episodes pleeeeease