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Daniel has a much-needed surprise for Amber. Carlos agonizes over coming out to his sister. Aryanna and Sherlon go on a date and rekindle their relationship. Daniele questions whether or not she should marry Yohan tomorrow.



Peggy Ann

Does this end abruptly for anyone else?

Devil's Cabana Boy

Are you going to record the LIP theme song you premiered on tour? It was great!

Lisa C.

Did ya’ll see Sherlons Twitter dick pic yet? I haven’t listened to this podcast yet I’m Saving it for tomorrow.

Marcy Rodenborn

I really feel for Ayanna. Yes she knows Sherlon’s a fuck boy but she’s exhausted raising a child. The emotional weariness that comes with a baby is intense. She’s hoping that something will be different. I was raised by a total feminist Mom in the Bay Area and still found myself with a crazy guy who was fleeing the police with me in the car one night because he didn’t want to be arrested for drunk driving (long complicated story but the dick was GOOOD and I was a fool). I still remember thinking to myself “I should break up with him” as the police sirens are blaring behind us. But I didn’t for like a month. Sometimes you just really want something to be different and it takes a long time to realize it won’t be

Allison Quinty

I love you guys! Thank you for this laugh on my Monday morning

Jacqueline Smith

I am slightly relieved. I am not the only full grown human with food texture issues! I feel seen. Lol


Butthole Brigade has me deceased 😭😂

Shelley Harriott

Two things… 1. My ex is Jamaican and at every cookout in 90° heat they served HOT SOUP before the main courses. 2. How Stella Got Her Groove Back is based on Terry McMillians experience falling in love and marrying a younger Jamaican man. HOWEVER it turns into a southern story bc he admits he’s gay after 6 years of marriage. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/matier-ross/article/Epilogue-for-Stella-author-a-messy-divorce-2625485.php


“IF we do a Florida show” ????????

Jen Greenan

My husband asked me last night at dinner is monekypox skin to skin contact? And I sat there and stared at him trying not to spit my food out laughing.

Anousha Nzume

Another great episode! I was surprisingly touched when Ranch Dressing said that no one had ever made her a candle lit dinner. She’s never been anyone’s priority it feels like. That’s why she can be so controlling and childish at the same time. I’m with you Poodle that I like her despite myself, lols!

Jessica Pyper

Sherlon should go on Dick Pig Island. He’d be perfect.