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Shawn’s surprise call may threaten his wedding to Sara. Lindsay’s newly free but her old life comes calling. Marcelino stuns Brittany. Kevin & Tiffany look for a girlfriend. Chance drops a bomb on Bobbie. Branwin’s friends grill her about Chazz.



Kelli Gravois

I am only on the intro song and had to run to comment. I know someone who had a gender reveal cake at the wedding.

Jennifer B

Matt Sharp has got to get Brittany and Marcelino off our screens. I FF through all this dumb shit. Leaving crying kids in the car? Come onnnn. When Brittany said "this is a door" to the "prospective buyers" I lost my shit.

Jennifer Riester

I'm listening to this on higher volume because my extremely annoying neighbor had a giant load of super stinky mulch delivered on Saturday and she's taking loads of it to her backyard this morning and goes right by my office window so thank you for Tater - hope she got an earful to make up for the noseful I've had all weekend!!!!

Ashley Riccardi

I think that’s a piercing on Branwin’s face.


'rosie odonnell in all about eve,' is gg to be hard to beat on the best of mattie's confusing actors names category for next yr.

Mary Scheske

Ooooo queens I think y'all are wrong on Kelly. I think half of her kids have chosen to go no contact with Shawn, and I think the other half she doesn't trust Shawn to keep them safe, to feed them, he can't even clothe them without buying secondhand clothes. I think she's given him a decade of chances but now that she's seen Destinee on TV; she's decided she can't have her kids around their father and the women he chooses for their mental, physical, and emotional health. The threat of having your kids taken always is always on the mother... And I wouldn't be surprised if she had to fight cps a few times because of the stupid decisions Shawn has made. Or maybe I've lived in Texas all my life where women aren't supported or celebrated when they have babies. Ugh. Pardon my projecting at what I've seen. I'm so damn glad this show and this recap are back.

Jessica Sharp

I am dying because of the “Wipe it Off” reference during the Tater & Chance segment 😂😂


POODLE! I was losing my mind over the Aaron Copeland shirt too until I remembered the composer was "Copland." I couldn't resist the urge to Google and there's apparently a country artist named Aaron Copeland based in Fort Worth. Her shirt also said "____ as Hell" on the back (I couldn't see the first word) and this guy has a song called "Drunk as Hell," soooo that all tracks... But I like your notion that she's just a Copland fan too. ;) In any event it brought back memories of my marching band days and the Copland show we did one year (nerd alert!). Side note, still going to watch the season but this episode felt waaaay over-produced, like even more than the baseline fraudacity we've come to expect. Kind of took me out of it a few times. :/

Erica Garcia

Sissy Mary did some deep diving for me to figure out who Aaron Copeland was, but I did enjoy the beef commercial song. That was the only one I got right in high school during super quiz. Please have more LiLu theater with the metal theme I was screaming in my car 😂😂😂 can’t forget the bassist who said “no tang?” THAT made me smile like Donkey from Shrek.


I AM SO HAPPY YOU MENTIONED HOW AWESOME PINK SHADE IS!! I first heard you two on their podcast, so not only did they give us our Matt & Poodle, they are so funny, down to earth, humble! My husband and I had the honor of meeting them at your show and both are just what they seem, a class act!!!


The overproduction of this and 90 day sucks, it just waters it down, and I end up not believing anything! Neither show surprises or shocks! I wonder how many times they did the proposal! That was so cringe! The kids, my god, STFU!!!!


Nobody, kid or adult should trust Shawn! There is something very wrong with his need for negative attention! I think Kelly is a bit stuck dealing with him because they have the kids! I think even if he just buys one a pair of shoes it helps her out; now that they’re on TV, he’s finally worth something to her, I’m sure she gets some money! As far as the kids, they will see him for his true self the older they get! That’s the beauty of Shawn, Kelly doesn’t really need to be negative about him, because he constantly announces how gross he is!!


Same! My husband’s cousin did a gender reveal at her wedding. They divorced within a year and then the ex husband died #southernstories


Imitating Tater’s laugh🤣! I think I peed a little! I do think Chance is the best looking of all 90day and LAL characters!!! Are all three kids from her boyfriend that passed away? I am still trying to understand his undertakings of the kids…either he can’t have kids, he knows she’s more stuck with him with the kids? It will be interesting to see how he changes as he truly integrates into society. Is ego is so big, if he stays on the right path, he’ll have a lot of temptation from women. If they do stay together, I say when he hits fifty, the age difference is going to drive her batty!


I couldn’t figure out if Branwin had a mole or one of those piercings :/

Deniz Daser


AnitaBonghit 69

People are raving about the new pronunciation, LIALU, which my Xfinity DVR calls S3E01. Last season Daonte was referred to as having 'open needy eyes' and I havent stopped accusing other people of it as well.

Missy Fuller

Rockports!!! I’m dead, I’m laughing so hard I can’t get the door open for my kid in driveline 🤣

Jessica Sharp

Branwin does not have a beauty mark. It’s a facial piercing. The bar is too long so it protrudes out of her face 🥴

Sharon Best

This just made my day!!! I couldn’t wait to A) watch Lockup and then B) listen to y’all. And, of course, you two DID NOT disappoint. This best part was that y’all annoyed the hell out of my husband early this morning. As we were getting ready for work, I was dying with laughter and he’s looking at me with disdain (maybe I used that word wrong…I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️) 😂😂😂 either way…it was great! 😂😂

Caitlin Brooks

It’s just sad to me that Lindsay puts all of this energy into her “chosen family” instead of being there 100% for her daughter

Izzy Rivers

God I hate myself for being so attracted to Kevin..

AnitaBonghit 69

Untold Relic looks like they'd have Cookie Monster vocals like Slipknot, but Jaxx's singing was definitely power metal like Iron Maden/Dio with all the 'searching in the moonlight while galloping through icy lands' and crap like that. Google the power metal lyric generator meme. That's them.

Taylor Wallace

Lol Lindsay IS a Targaryen (not even sure Poodle consciously made the "fire and blood" reference!) Also, I feel like Chance and Tater would name their kid "Chancellor" with zero idea that chancellors exist, and they would spell it Chanceler.

Jilliann Gardner

Veruca. Balt. I am deceased!!!!! 😂

Cathy SJ

Donna and the Dynamos 😂🤣Laughing so hard in the car. Almost hit a tree 🤣🤣

Cecilia Thompson

I had to rewind when I saw Aaron Copeland on her shirt, but, of course as you say, the spelling is different, and how would she even know Aaron Copland?

Taylor Wallace

Fairuza Balk was Vicki Vallencourt in the Waterboy. "Vickie showed me her boobies and I LIKE THEM TOO!"


That Heavy Metal LILU Theater intro had me on the floor! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣