PoW - .074b BUGFIX - Legislation COMPLETE - 10/14/24 (Patreon)
It obviously took longer for me to get this done than I wanted to, and there's still a bit of work left to do, but I wanted to thank everyone for being patient while I work on it. Anyway, here's the first part of the polygamy legislation proposal. You can talk to a few people for basic negotiations, but more importantly, there's a flash forward option that lets you skip to the future after you've passed the law and convinced your rival's wife to ditch him and marry you instead.
The full conversation with her will be implemented soon, as well as another one that will be for adding the Chief of Staff to your harem as well/instead, but that's not in yet.
EDIT (.067b): This update acts as a bridge to the end of the proposal stuff. You can now go through and properly recruit the rival's wife to join your proposal and then enjoy the honeymoon with her afterwards. The remaining sequences with the chief of staff and wife still need to get finished, though, so you'll still see some red links in the meantime.
EDIT (.068a): I know this one took a while to get out, but the first part of the protestor's (Dani D.) intro is now out. She can be found in the afternoon or evening with alterations to the encounter based on that. The 'good' paths are currently done, but the 'evil' routes are still being worked on so those are still red links right now. I also still need to go back and finish the wife/chief of staff routes for the legislative proposal, but Dani will react to that one being passed here if you managed to already do it through the rival's wife or bribery.
EDIT (.068b): The evil route for the protestor's interactions is done now, leaving just the last part of the legislative proposal with the Chief of Staff and Wife to finish before I move back to College Daze and finish the PoW public release.
EDIT (.068c): This update finishes the Chief of Staff legislative conversations and the ability to set her up for the honeymoon after the law gets passed -- but that part isn't done yet (almost ready). I put this release out now before the honeymoon because it addresses a number of bugs, so if you were wondering why the protestors weren't showing up in your game after passing a certain law, this should be fixed now.
EDIT (.074a): It took longer than I wanted, but all of the legislative proposal, including extra 'honeymoons' with your wife and chief of staff, are now complete. Assuming that there aren't any big bugs with this release, this will mark the end of this batch of Power of Will and I will be moving back to College Daze for a couple of months. As always, you can check what's next for that stuff on the discord where the dev maps currently reside.
EDIT (.074b): A small bugfix to address legislative power not being calculated correctly and some exploits involving a repeatable conversation with the chief of defense. Assuming there isn't anything else gamebreaking, this is still the last batch of actual content for PoW while I work on College Daze.
.074b BUGFIX Only (Download .074a FIRST!)
.074a Update Only (Download .058e FIRST!)
.058e All Files Pack (Download if you need fresh install!)
Step 1) If you need a clean install, download the .058e ALL FILES pack from the above link.
Step 2) Unzip the all files pack to create your Power of Will folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.
Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.
Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.
Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.
Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and a fan-made Images folder that has folders from '010' to '074'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.
Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.
"Backstage at the Beauty Pageant" w/ new character (Madison I.) 87
"Start Scheming Against the Crime Boss" w/ Crime Boss Angela and the Rival's Son 79
"New Law: Contract Expansion beyond just traitors" w/ Rival's Niece 74
"Body Swap Education" w/ Rival's son and your Secretary 32
"Confronting the Palmarch" w/ transformation (Aletta O.) 36
"Alice's Birthday Party" w/ Deceased Guard's Daughter Alice (and others) 62
"Possession Experiment" w/ Rival's Sister 59
"Meeting the Suitor's Mother" w/ New Character (Eva N.) 48
"Amazonian Upgrade" w/ Rookie Agent transformed (Jewels J.) 49
"Celebrity Party and Film Indoctrination" w/ new character (Georgie L.) 25
"Meeting a Bloc Spy" w/ new character (Alanah R.) 32
"More Intern Interactions" w/ the Intern 39
"New Law: Personally Directed Criminal Punishment" w/ two Shoplifters 25
"Reminiscing of the Past" w/ Orphan Dolly 39
"Studying Other Languages" w/ Bloc-Speaking Maid 28
"Addicted to Technology" w/ Rich Donor (Lisa A.) and Transformed Guard (Julia A.) 41
"Long-Term Behavior Therapy" w/ Protestor (Dani D.) 42
"Property Auction" w/ Alice and many others 44
"More Experiments with the Lab Traitor" w/ Prisoner (Carter C.) and Head Guard (Julia A.) 36
"Plan Preparations and Potential Swaps" w/ Bloc Ambassador's Wife 24