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Helllooooo beautiful patrons! ♥♥

It's once again that wonderful time of year when, for whatever reason, the prestigious Eurofurence decides to let me into their dealers den to sell my silly little wares overseas. Much like last year I'm planning on padding out either side of the con with a bit of overseas vacation time, because I may as well enjoy the sights if I'm schlepping all the way out there!

I'll be leaving Thursday the 12th and returning on the 27th. I'm hoping that weekend will be a large enough landing pad for me to unpack, gather my bearings, and be 100% back to work on Monday the 30th! Sorry to make y'all wait on the epic bathroom battle between Casper & Kneepads, but even the best stories have to have a cliffhanger every now and then! ;)

Until then... hope everyone has been enjoying the new comic and its sleazier vibes, because I sure have been! Can't wait to get back to the literal drawing board with it, especially after the many hours of finetuning the writing on the numerous plane trips ahead of me. ,'P

Bon voyage!




Jean Paul Massaut

So close and so far away, i miss one year of EF, and you're there bad luck i guess. But i do hope you have a great time, sightseeing.

Trevor Wolf

Lmao, fabulous doodle!! Wishing safe travels and wonderful times ahead of ya Willow!! 💖💖 Going anywhere or doing anything in particular aside from the con?


Have fun and safe travels! Peddle those silly little wares! :3


Safe Travels! Excited to see you there!


I hope you have a blast! Of course now I’m picturing a goofy boxing match style poster of the Kneepads and Casper face off. 😹


yay have fun!!!


Have a great trip! Hope you enjoy your vacation after the con. You absolutely deserve it!


Oh god you're at EF this year again? D: I had to skip EF last year and was so sad when I read that you are attending. Are you going to sell Regular Orders there?

Palpable Pips

Gotta get those vacations! Bone voyage


Have a fabulous time at the event and on your well deserved vacation!


That is awesome to hear! I really hope I can get enough courage to come up to your table. ;;

pj wolf

Safe travels!


Have fun, be safe, take lots of pictures and eat lots of yummy foods!!!!