The Next Daki (Public Poll!)
- Elise 265
- Chloe 285
- Casper 186
- Constance 269
EDIT: Couldn't believe this was such a close race, even after 1000+ votes!! But it looks like Chloe is our winner for this daki season!!
I'll spending this week working on comic pages and thumbnailing out a few ideas for the daki, and then it's full steam ahead at the start of next week! Until then, you can expect to see a couple comic pages going up throughout the week. Hoping to have the illustrative part done within a couple weeks and a pre-sale running before the end of the month! If all goes well, Chloe will be showing up at your doorstep just in time for the holidays. :)
Thanks for your help, y'all!! And don't worry about the other three characters, they'll all have their turn in the polyester limelight sooner or later... ♥
Hey y'all! Now that I'm back from EF, I want to hit the ground running with a couple of new pages of The Common Grounds, as well as a new daki to hopefully have available before the end of the year!! My only trouble is... I really can't decide on who to feature next!! Below are the options I've narrowed it down to, with some thoughts behind them as a choice, and the most up-to-date art of each one :)
ELISE - Fully recovered from GRS and ready to hit the town, the fully realized version of the cracked egg we all grew to know and love from Crossing That Bridge. She's always deserved more of a spotlight, but is certainly less "current" than other characters!
CHLOE - The loveable mess turned star of A Show of the Ropes! Despite being perfectly happily partnered off in her new little triad with the already-daki'd Red & Beruca, she'd still like to find her way into your bed, whether it's up to her or her mistress... ;)
CASPER - The reluctant star of my newest comic The Common Grounds! As much as he may want to sleep around in y'all's beds, he also has plenty of the time in the spotlight on the horizon...
CONSTANCE - While we may need a longer pillow to suit her frame, she made quite a splash (of lube, on the floor) in my latest finished comic, Regular Orders!
VOTE BELOW! Everyone gets as many votes as they want, for however many of these y'all can see yourselves buying as they get made! Please let me know if you have any thoughts in the comments as well. :)
I'll leave this going for a week and select based on results next week as I start this project up! ♥