Thank you very much for your support, and welcome to the "LorgeClub" !! Hopefully you took a look at all your Tier features, and hopefully you find everything you are looking for here on my patreon. If you miss anything, or if you have a question, then dont hesitate and message me or comment one of my posts. I will answer ASAP.
Again, thank you very much for your support !!
Thank you very much for your support, and welcome to the "LorgeClub" !!
Hopefully you took a look at all your Tier features, and hopefully you find everything you are looking for here on my patreon. If you miss anything, or if you have a question, then dont hesitate and message me or comment one of my posts. I will answer ASAP.
IMPORTANT: If you joined during the very end of a month, then please send me a message. Patreon will charge you at the beginning of the following month. Therefore if you dont want to get double charged you can send me a message and i will give you a refund.
Last but not least a note about my project workflow. Sometimes my projects will get delayed. This happend in the past, and it will happen in the future. Creative work cant always be stopped with a clock, and i hope you can understand that. Delays can happen cause of production issues, or cause i change the priority of projects. If a new promising game release appears (Final Fantasy 7 remake for example) then its most likely that i will throw out some Final Fantasy content and delay my orignal planned content 1 or 2 months to the back. I like to keep everything a bit more flexible and spontaneously, my projects wont get canceled in that case, they just get delayed.
With that being said, thanks for your support, glad you joined the Club !!