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Chris is so we looked at Mr. Large Arm Tom and his perfect wife Bunny, they were talking and talking about how they play but wouldn't fucking give a ton of details. There are some really good Tom nuggets, then we popped in on Greg Dean and then, we met the nastiest freak of all, Bubba's nasty friend Gene Lasker. I fucking hate Gene Lasker



Bubba used to chain up lasker and shock his balls… back in the Howard 101 days https://youtu.be/glXroMA5ab4?si=TTtpVXOnRbf8qhz0


No Opie = Nopie


I was 14 on 9/11 and the only thing that made me upset was that they shut down the Counter Strike servers that whole day.

Bobby Mack

Lasker made the supremely unlikable Bubba look nice and good by comparison. Amazing

Matt Breuer

Justice for Tom, we all kept expecting worse things to come out of his mouth but he stood on business here

Corndog Millionaire

Tom’s arm is unfuckingbelievably funny oh my godddd

Jerry Street

“How TomAndBunny Play”

Ben Piss and Shit

Did anyone ever give Bryan shit for not playing the fake or real title game for pornos? I havent kept up with the sunday shows

Bobby Libby

Flub immediately in the very beginning of the description, thats just a really nice way for the Flubheads to start their week, thanks Bryan.

Stefan Kamph

So Bubba ordered for the table, and got three of the same exact item made to his shitty preferences?


Who is?

Jake Lewis

juiky angus beef

Adi Blaustein Rejto

Chris is so…what? Seems like Brian’s got a flub in the post here

Mickey Flykick

Chris’s Merch Crick jokes are so fucking funny on this one


Western BBQ burgers are absolutely smacking 🤤

Andy from P-town


Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Putting aside how corny/cringy the two of them are and their likely unsavory politics, they seem like they have a pretty admirable relationship. They've got each other's backs, respect one another's boundaries, and are aligned in their interests and goals. You really can't ask for much more from a partner.

Lucas Logan

Tom's clearly had a stroke, probably from all the dick surgeries. He holds the smaller arm up and has to enunciate a lot

Homicide Note Victim

Bryan’s grandpa is literally Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star like the David Spade movie

Boot Scoots Riley

Does nobody ever find Opie entertaining? That time travel to flip through the records still makes me lol

Oliver Miller

There's a moment in that Covid-19 burger where Lasker fat shames Bubba AND his son out of nowhere. Like who the fuck are you to talk


Imagine the pain Bubba feels every time he sees Gene pull up with his dualie, it’s gotta hurt

Petoskey St0ned

Lasker seems like a fun cool guy to get burgers with

Thomas Theakston

This Bubba video is far worse than anything you've ever watched of Opie. Bring him back

Robin Hartnagel

doing my first comedy open mic this week. thank goosh I have Greg Dean to give me some solid advice!