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  • Sunday_Night_Stream_9_15... - audiogram.mp4
  • Sunday_Night_Stream_9_15... - audiogram.mp4
  • Sunday_Night_Stream_9_15... - audiogram.mp4



I am on tons of drugs right now because I broke my foot, we talked about a toastmaster and then shopped for a rascal. There was also a bit of greaseman in there






Bryan broke his foot to get pills


Is greaseman new metal?

Brent Tardiff

This reminds me of the story arc in that IFC show Maron when the titular character Marc Maron gets prescribed pain killers, and his famous podcasting career suffers as a result. Sort of a cautionary tale.


I was on a knee scooter for 3 months. I met my husband when I was on it and fell into some garbage. I took mine for long walks actually. Knee scooting is surprisingly hard and decent cardio. The basket is extremely useful.

gavin curran

Bryan coasted listening to Grease Rap is next level

Johnny S.

Rap. Rap. Rap, rap, rap.

Matthew Taylor

Hearing Chris found unwatched bubba beefs is fantastic news

Steve D

Bryan you gotta listen to your doctors on your foot. Do not shortcut - that will lead to a lifetime of pain. Foot injuries will heal but it takes time. Just be meticulous about tracking calories.


When I got into AEW I went on the subreddit and said “I don’t understand the belt situation” and it was repeatedly implied I was a WWE subreddit plant trying to sow the seeds of discord

Daniel Stern

I've heard of Brian Redban, but Bryan Redvan????