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  • Guys_9_27_2024 - audiogram.mp4
  • Guys_9_27_2024 - audiogram.mp4



Trigger Warning: We talked a bit about parental abuse at the end of the show and I don't want anyone to feel bad listening to the show so I just wanted to let you know It starts around 1 hour a 12 minutes in

We did a loose Guys+ this week, we talked about some stuff from when I was a teen, I revealed that I had a nickname, then we talked grills!



Thomas Theakston

Chris it's not a big deal but on Mafia Guys you (admittedly half-heartedly) claimed credit for nicknaming "Porno Shaun", when in fact this was me in the comments for Guys+ 7/26/24, as endorsed by Bryan in the subsequent Sunday Night Stream. Like I said, no big deal, and I'm definitely not mad about it. Please don't put in the newspaper that I was mad.

Matty C

I knew about the All Blacks


I know about the All Blacks, I am American and not a sports person. My little brother played rugby

K. Robert Roy

Another great show from Gris and Queber!

sean e

Actually insane how bryan has been podcasting so long and is still able to reveal a crazier piece of information about his life each week


Queeber is such a great name. Bryan you should be proud of it

Kyle Myers

I love when we unlock a new piece of Bryan lore.


i know about the all blacks but the way i knew is bc the All Blacks BV is the name of the umbrella company that owns Roadrunner Records

Maura Willey

Chris no one knows who the all blacks are


I will be the Bryan defender in the comments, I have probably heard the term "All Blacks" before but if you had asked me 10 minutes before I heard that conversation "Who are the All Blacks?" I would have said "I have no idea what that is, that sounds kind of racist"


Can't believe Gris' mom used to call him DB (dog boner) as a kid

Paul Schroeder

Griss and Queeber sounds like a morning zoo crew


Bryan, they didn’t melt it. I’m sorry. They took it at scrap and then sold it to an antiques dealer


You're listening to Queeber and Gris in the morning!


Can't wait for the teased Pizza/Bread guys episode. My friend dated a big shot Pizza guy years ago; turns out you can run a successful restaurant, be friends with celebrities and go on Jimmy Kimmel and still have a ballsack so small you break off your years-long relationships over text.


I never knew about the All Blacks, but I do know what a reef is.

Not Even a Show

I will need to look in to this deeply, because in my heart I did name him. And the heart is rarely wrong. But I will concede that perhaps in the material world, you did say the name first.

Kevin Lizander

I have to say I had never heard the name All Blacks before this episode


I’ve never heard of the All Blacks either


Yeah I’m not sure really with that context. I’m not from the U.S. so I suppose it depends how rare civil war era shit is. Like a 300yo spoon could be worth a lot or it could just be scrap

Matthew Perpetua

Queeber reveal kind of a game changer


Leave it to queeber

Aidan Dean-Jones

Everyone knows what the all blacks are

Epic Rap Battles of Herstory

Love finding out more and more things driving Bryan's psyche. Wonder what the timeline overlap is between his mom leaving and the whole "suckling" thing. You guys have put together such an incredible, funny, charming show just to study the final Guy: Bryan.


I’ve heard of the all blacks and also seen them do haka.


Never heard of the all blacks gris


I feel for Queeber-- I got called Oafie by a short guy when I was like 14 because I was relatively tall and I occasionally would run into people in my old town who would still call me that 😞


I’ll be honest both times I’ve heard Queeber mention selling the antique silverware for scrap I get so mad. lol.


Queeber sounds like a muppet character that never made it to the screen

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Fictional Character Day? Sounds like a good time for a pastafarian to talk about God. 😏😏😏

klondike five

I literally came here to say this! They should do an episode of a drive time morning show as a bonus

Michael York

Never heard of all blacks


Damn, making me feel bad for Porno Shaun

Leroy Leroy Leroy

Queeber and Gris are Brian and chris’ shock jock names

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Also, Schwank sounds like the name of a grill a guy named Queeber would use. WE GOT QUEEBER ON THE SCHWANK, Y'ALL. OPEN WIDE FOR A MEAN KIELBASA.

Jake Chinatown

I’m a professional rugby player and this is the first I’m hearing of these “all blacks”

Kyle Smucker

Did not know about All Blacks but I’m also from Ohio so

Grant Olson

I’m never calling him Brian again. From now on, he’s Wolf

Nathan Couch

Queeber & Gris every weekday morning on ROCK 117.4!!

Matt Lemos

I also have never heard of All Blacks

chortle heartily

it’s great that there’s a “schwank” grills company, I really hope it’s related to the German word Schwenker. It means “barbecue grill” if you speak hillbilly dialect German (Rheinland-Pfalz or Saarland).

Matthew Yoder

I have never heard of the all blacks


Wasshup to all my Rugby Guys. AB’s gonna get smoked by the wallabies this weekend. Boks gonna get in the ass too.

Kellen Singer

Bryan being a Michigan fan in Columbus makes so much sense


Great show Queeb


Queeber is the Midwestern variant of The Dude


Sorry Chris, I've never heard of the All Blacks

Garden Dan

Can’t believe I’ve been listening to Queeber for a decade and didn’t even know his real name.

Honeydew Wilkins

Cracking up at the visual of Bryan smelling vanilla and his lips puckering like a post-hypnotic suggestion.

adrian salazar

Having grown up around white trash, hearing Bryan lore drops brings a strange sort of comfort to me.


refreshing content thank you 💕


We called a friend of ours “Brongo” for years because he was so dissimilar to a Bronco


Can somebody with artistic talent draw up a depiction of Queeber and Porno-Sean committing the family portrait heist?


The amount of embarassing things Bryan is willing to admit never ceases to amaze me


Can confirm Bryan is correct - I have never in my life heard of the all blacks


So the pictures of young Bryan are actually Queeber. Wow what a revelation


This nickname lore is shocking.


I’ve never heard of the all blacks but I am also uncultured


“Sometimes, there's a man. And I'm talkin' about the Queeber here. Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's the Queeber, in Columbus Ohio. And even if he's a lazy man - and the Queeber was most certainly that. Quite possibly the laziest in Columbus, which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide. But sometimes there's a man, sometimes, there's a man. “


Bryan’s never seen a Haka?


I barely know what rugby is tbh


My favorite podcast “guys with gris and queeber”

Alex Dittrick

Never heard of the all blacks

Michael Siegrist

I've also never heard of the All Blacks


“A few months ago I told the American people I named Porno Shaun. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.”

Damian Sein

I've only heard of the All Blacks in the context of how weird the name is

Jake Balogh

You can tell Bryan isn't a college football guy because he just calls it Ohio State


It’s a really great sport, you should check it out! It’s like if the NFL was a continuous flow of game rather than short plays, and each offensive/defensive line had to fight for possession of the ball on every single play.


Ghris is Donnie and Porno Shawn is Walter


Never heard of the All Blacks in my life


The "all blacks"...???! Wtf is wrong w/you, Chris? Not cool,dude.

Alton D.

Chris is right finding out Bryan is a Bengals fan is podcast changing

Jason McFarlane

Gris is severely over estimating how much the average American knows about professional rugby. Also Brian should buy the creami. He can put the soft serve in little baseball helmets during the off season.


Bryan's right, Chris is too sportsy.

Trew Dhiel

Bryan being a u of m fan in Columbus Ohio is the funniest shit ever. 🤣

Trew Dhiel

Definitely buy a ninja creami. My brother has one and I want one SO bad.

Wyatt Zelle

Ohio boy here. Never heard of the all blacks


Ohio boy as well lol, I think Rugby is a really cool sport, but Chris saying "Everyone knows the All Blacks, they're like the most famous Rugby team" for the vast majority of Americans, especially those like me who don't not care about sports in the slightest, thats basically like saying "Bro, everyone knows 'GrintDaGutman' hes the most famous Esports player in the world!"


Cant wait for the 2024 deluxe edition release of 'Homicide note' by Queeber.

Caleb Sandblom

very cool wolf thank you for this one


never heard of all blacks

ordna jela

I'd bet the vaaaaast majority of American Guys listeners can't name a single rugby team

Drill Bill

Wtf is an all blacks

Kamran Husain

a super hero called porno sean is an interesting idea for guys merch

Craig Cainkar

nobody in the US knows what the fuck an all blacks is




i thought all blacks was a clove cigarette


Many Americans know what the haka is but not the team that does it

bobofmanycolors .

Queeber and Porno Shaun sound like characters from a Pauly Shore movie


i had literally that exact same Michigan starter jacket when I was a kid and I've never been to the state of Michigan in my life lol

brady maurer

absolutely never heard of all blacks

Jack Clark

21:19 Queeber disclosure begins

Kyle Beaudet

I'm definitely a "Sports Guy" and from the US and I am vaguely aware of the All Blacks.

Josh Foltz

Can we call "flubs" "queebs" moving forward?


You can just log movies without reviewing them on letterboxd

Dan Gilbert

Late but can vouch that the recteq bullseye and ninja creami are the two best products on earth. imho

Dylan Dutch

Never heard of the all blacks, but I guess I only know American sports