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  • 359648218.mp4



We talked about my generational juggalo lineage. Then we popped in gave Tom and Bunny a chance, followed by more modern Greaseman, Greg Dean taught us some comedy, then we watched Tom and Bunny interview some Ms. No Swimsuit contestants followed by Opie!!!!! Opie that I paid for



I'll NEVER call Bryan "Queeb*r"

Trey Marks

I wish I had a cool uncle to promote my music


Was it Wolf or Queeber who came perilously close to being arrested trying to smuggle prescription drugs into the US from Mexico?


My bad, it’s Mars Leviticus

Prosper Anderson

Your nephew ever run into a dude named Vince at the gathering?

Jack Moore

Quit being a narc chris



Robbie Hartnett

So like did your high school teachers call you Queeber or Bryan?

Melissa Sanford

Greaseman makes me feel physically ill

Dana Bernardine

dang, wish i was watching live to defend the honor of juggalos and apollo exodus against the hater gris


A secret joy of this podcast is watching two dudes gradually become friends. I guess that's super sappy or borderline parasocial, but it's true. It's a cliche to say that male friendship is undervalued and maybe increasingly rare in Today's Society or whatever, but yeah, I like seeing it happen. The true Guys were the friends we made along the way?


Can't wait for Dave and Chuck the Freak. They're the only shock jocks I got to listen to regularly where I lived.


As someone from the upper Midwest all this Juggalo talk feels very normal to me lol

Sean Kelly

Ooof, Greaseman doing Rolf Harris. I couldn't think of anything worse


in a world full of queebers, be a wolf


Damn, I thought they were fuckin at the VFW for a second


I can’t find Apollo Genesis

Conor Walsh

I like the bit of playing lots of the Greaseman so Opie seems great in comparison

Dalton Deford

Gris and Queeber at it again



El Repugnante

I like Bryan describing his daughter and niece not being raised in the “right” neighborhoods so as to have properly become Juggalos


Please do Stern for Shocktober, I need to hear how far he’s fallen


Fun fact: the Tie me kangaroo down song the Greaseman references is by (now dead) disgraced former Australian comedian Rolf Harris who was found out in the 2010s to have sexually assaulted minors in the 80s.

Joshua J Austin

It looks like Bryan's nephew is one of the Juggalos that doesn't wear face paint, which is surprising since, as we've previously learned, his great-grandfather/ Bryan's grandfather was a clown.


Ok we need a juggalo guys episode

Max K

We need a juggalo guys ep and we need Tom from Chapo FYM to come on and talk Vinny Mac.

CowheadMikeCalta (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-27 09:24:45 RIP Amber Lovedoll
2024-10-27 18:48:35 RIP Amber Lovedoll

RIP Amber Lovedoll

CowheadMikeCalta (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-27 09:24:45 Greaseman is a damn menace, lol
2024-10-27 18:49:45 Greaseman is a damn menace, lol

Greaseman is a damn menace, lol

Robert Daines

All blacks are the greatest sports team of all time. Straight facts