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It is Monday morning which means that you woke up and have a stream to watch. We talked about my weekend and then we watched some Mancow because we are all in a Mancow mood. It's Shocktober



If you're making new Radio sound effects can you make a Benny and the jets one that goes like "Qu-Qu-Qu-Queeber and the Gris"


And get Billy West to sing it like Pharaoh and His Pets


Fuck me I love diet cherry 7up


I have an idea for a prank: convincing Mancow that the photo of Pappy Van Winkle on the bottle is going to be removed or replaced with a black woman because of wokeness

Kevin Orellana

DAAAAAAAMN gris coming in with the top of the show rippington

David Brown

Getting all the situations mixed up. Bryan is now getting yelled at by a nude man with a hard on for hitting his hot wife with a cable van


Been a Chapo Patreon supporter since shortly after they launched the subscription. I love Chapo and Felix. Seems absolutely deranged to be angry with Chris for mildly asking Felix not to vape into the mic. Don’t let the haters get you down, Gris.


no bryan, i'll suck YOU off


the Know nothing party (which Cow calls the “do nothing party”) was an insanely racist party from the 19th century. It’s cool that Mancow said that’s who he wants to vote for