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  • Sunday_Night_Stream_10_6... - audiogram.mp4
  • Sunday_Night_Stream_10_6... - audiogram.mp4



It is Monday morning which means that you woke up and have a stream to watch. We talked about my weekend and then we watched some Mancow because we are all in a Mancow mood. It's Shocktober baby



Kamran Husain

shut up chris vaping is rad as hell and felix is god


Vaping in a pod works depending on the subject, and it was the perfect subject.


Also, when is there going to be a new poll? Are you going to cover weather guys responding to the floods?


I'm in agreement with Chris, hearing a vape every 30 seconds is annoying

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Y'all have fucking ruined me because I'm pretty sure now that Mancow is the funniest human ever to live. His ability to immediately make any interview as awkward as possible is just unrivaled, and his obsession with being the last known contact of any given dead person is my favorite idiosyncrasy of anyone ever.

nu magik

release the bryan tapes


I think Gris is jealous of Gunnar’s hair?


rovers show is so annoying i switched to npr for my morning drive


Porno Sean: If he’s not beating his meat. He’s beating some ass.


I don't know where to comment on the main episodes but GHRIS, YOU ARE NOT CLAIRVOYANT. You are just a born gambler and should be gambling more!

Andrew E Houston

Brother, I'm just saying, I would be pretty pissed off if a cable van literally ran over my 11-year old Camry.

Austin Stois

sound gourd @ 1:27