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  • Shocktober_2024_Finale_G... - audiogram.mp4
  • Shocktober_2024_Finale_G... - audiogram.mp4



Get your life jackets ready to ride on the good ship grease. That's right, its time for the most racist boss jock in the history of radio. We had Felix back and Stefan Heck on to talk about the most despicable old man, there's new tuna fish verses, there's a very disturbing bart simpson skit and one of the most insane stand up comedy sets that we can't figure out if its insanely funny or very sad!



Matty C

Tech Flub in under 100 seconds. Gonna be a good one boys


Hey Greasebuddy. Sorry, I was just stepping out.

Turtle Bugg

Fucking Bart Simpson is wild


There is somehow nothing funnier in Bryan’s exploration of shock jocks than Greasebuddy’s career having cratered to the point that he has to call his former callers for his show. Said caller making an excuse to not talk to him and calling him greasebuddy like he’s talking to a child that he wants to comfort. Throw in the salutary greaseman scatting between the two. Perfection

Matt Breuer

folks at 1:09:18… we’ve got a massive technical flub

Kevin Orellana

Flubs at the top. Gotta love it

Boot Scoots Riley

Tuna fish song is about pussy. I got a cameo for one of my friends and he thought we were gay and he sung the tuna fish song and talked about how my buddy has other proclivities

Tom T

Wow grease buddy really phoning in that version of The Tuna Fish song


Greaseman is an anomaly. He must be studied. Queeber is doing the lords work.

Boot Scoots Riley


Harrison Ditchfield

at abt 1 hour 9 mins you can’t hear the clip they’re watching bryannnnn

Alec Wild

Greaseman molesting Bert and threatening to make Bart his “punk”… hard to know what to make of the world sometimes

Neil Harris

"Boss jock" show description flub?

Aaron J W

A million thanks for this series. Growing up in Vermont, we had very limited access to the shock jock giants. I heard about Greaseman, Mancow, and the others through Stern. Each installment of Shocktober feels like a history lesson on these human relics.


Jesus Christ, brother. Is everyone okay over there, after receiving that?


Oh, fuck yes. Thank you for your service, guys 🫡

Thom Williams

"This is Dermatologist"

dum surfer

I truly love Shocktober so much. Thanks for another great year and can't wait for the next one!!!! #KeepCalmAndQueebOn


Open the Bombay doors, Hal


I think the complete dead air gives the impression that whatever happened during the greaseman bit of Clint Eastwood was so vile it couldn’t even be played on the podcast - which is probably better than whatever it was

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

"That's what I love about the Simpsons. I get older and they stay the same age" fucking killed me.

Kamran Husain

we need to bring queeber to the québécois


Genuinely happy to hear Felix's signature vaping into the mic again. Thanks for another excellent Shocktober boys! 3/3 stars 🌟


That dead silence. Flubs all over the shop.

Carol Port

it’s absolutely about pussy. drives me nuts how they say it’s not to the point that i’m starting to think it’s a bit lolololoolol

Boot Scoots Riley

Ha totally was to the moon with this cameo. He did it within an hour of ordering. I said my buddy likes hobbldagee, bobbledagee just because I wanted him to say that stuff. Was not expecting that much early 90’s homophobia. Hate giving money to an awful racist but would absolutely do it again

Aaron Carlin

Dead silence flub immediately followed by a wrong clip flub. What a way to finish off the month.

Des Conrads

Flub flub flub


Broken broken!!


Happy Grease Day, all. Time for a bone dry 🍸

Conor Walsh

The Greaseman legit might be the worst person ever covered on the Podcast I hate him so much. Can't wait to listen

Michael York

So, I live in Baltimore and hearing that Greaseman was in Edgewater for his gig at the end… let me just paint this picture for you. Edgewater is the suburb, of the suburb, of Annapolis. The place that he is at is definitely a dive bar in a city that no one commutes to, hangs out at, or goes to a show at unless they already live there lol

Matt Breuer

Did we have any in VT? The closest childhood memory I have is Mike & Chantal in the Morning

jake noble

Incredible that someone with such a gorgeous bass-baritone could also sound like nails on a chalkboard

Jake Lewis

holy shit where in edgewater that’s where i grew up edit: i just got to the part where this is mentioned. i thought you had firsthand knowledge

Justin Comer

hearing your reactions to the clip without hearing the clip is honestly probably better for all of us


Legit hope Felix gets throat cancer from vaping and ends up sounding like present day Tom Leykis

Reverend Carter

have you guys done Walton and Johnson yet? they're uniquely awful in a lot of ways


Mickey Flykick

Day one Hotwife Tier member


Flubtastic! Love being able to yell FLUB on my drive home from work

Tim Farrell

Getting to imagine how Greaseman finished it was pretty entertaining


This isn't specifically about this episode, but Bryan and Chris are a match made in heaven.

Mickey Flykick

Man he’s so mad about his ex-wife Estelle. Remember when he sang a song about how she was a fat pig he wanted to mutilate?


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills: multiple episodes have referenced the Nintendo Guys episode with Stefan and I don't see it on the feed.


Holy shit my Podcast Addict feed got fucked up and I've been missing all the regular episodes. Noooooo!


it's on the main feed https://sites.libsyn.com/458346/guys-episode-91-nintendo-guys-with-the-go-off-kings


I don't know what changed but up until early October Podcast Addict had the main feed and the Patreon on one thing but I haven't seen main eps in forever. I'm an idiot and listen to enough pods that I didn't even notice. What a flub by me


Making too many greasy innuendo’s to my partner and have been in the dog house for weeks. Any advice?

Nicholas Moore

Is Felix’s inability to pronounce anything correctly a bit, referencing Cyrano de Bergerac and totally butchering it with “burgeek” has to be intentional

Michael York

Can’t be too hard to find - there’s gotta be only one or two places hahaha

Jack Dulaney

Are there any sources on Zapp Brannigan’s voice being based on Greaseman? I had always read it was based on Phil Hartman, since Hartman was supposed to voice the character before his passing

Leroy Leroy Leroy

For a minute I was like is it actually de’barguique and I just don’t know enough about classical theater?


Bryan mentioned wanting to find more Greaseman air checks. Internet archive might have some. I haven’t vetted this collection but it looks like it has a few. https://archive.org/details/wwdc-washington-greaseman-1986


Okay who’s going to be the first person to post Greaseman/Clint Eastwood slash on an fanfic website ?


Yeah, the Phil Hartman thing is what I had heard. Although according to this article, https://www.slashfilm.com/944918/billy-west-borrowed-from-a-very-different-character-for-zapp-brannigans-futurama-voice/ the is an almalgam starting from a parody Capt. Kirk/Shatner with several lesser influences, including some Greaseman. So, not "based on" at all ime. Merely "influenced by"

Dan Gilbert

It was somehow actually better not hearing the clip.

Grease Witherspoon

Chanting at the first flub is going to be remembered like throwing the first brick at Stonewall

Grease Witherspoon

Clint Eastwood is the funniest, most obvious, miserable old man touchstone of masculinity to use as an example of how if you had to do a gay thing, you would still be super hetero and masc for doing it with Clint Eastwood. You could write an entire MFA thesis on this episode, if not this song

Grease Witherspoon

It's like Werner Herzog choosing not to include the audio of the attack in Grizzly Man. Haunting.

Jamie Jarvie

nick has better/woke, or more refined at least, politics than most of these idiots. including chris. i would rely on nick to intellectually defend a woke position more than i would bryan or chris

Ray Waldron

i can't stop singing the tuna fish song around my house