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  • Sunday_Night_Stream_11_3... - audiogram.mp4
  • Sunday_Night_Stream_11_3... - audiogram.mp4



I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Me and Mike Hale watched the EC Oasis club tour in its entirety



alex clements

I'm with you on the concert take Bryan I can't be standing up with GA Tix for 3 hours waiting for a headliner

Parochial Nimrod

I always skip to the end to see if Bryan manages a clean exit from the stream and if he does I don’t listen to the episode, so I was quite pleased with this one. Also, the blasts of noise really took me back to the classic guys audio quality I once loved so dearly. Thinking about upgrading my subscription


I’m be of my favorite things about Bryan is how long he’s been broadcasting without working out a single kink