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This week we talked about my mattress and bowling, then we looked at Tom's urologist but they weren't being funny at all so we went to the ultimate funny man Opie, then a bit of Greg Dean followed by Bob and Tom and Dave and Chuck the Freak


Matt Breuer

EightSleep erasure smdh justice for hot sleepers

Kevin Orellana

i just decided to buy a new bed at work and then this came out, its a sign.

Aaron Harrison

To answer Chris' question, I did not like hearing Greg Dean try and teach people. In fact, I hated it so much I zoombombed him.


anyone else curious about the drops on Tom's sound board?


Tom looks like a fiddler crab


This angle looks like the shot Opie would use before flinging himself through the window

Matty C

Every time Bryan talks about his finances it activates my fight or flight senses

Kellen Singer

I’ve heard that you shouldn’t cheap out on the things that separate you from the ground. Shoes, mattress, tires, etc. I do agree that Bryan should pay the mattress off ASAP tho

Ethan Gray

I would rather watch 2 hours of opie than 5 minutes of greg dean


Chris James, more like Dave Ramsey


You're 100% correct. Instead of buying a plain pair of Adidas, spend a little extra to get the pair with with the Korn logo on them

Jake Lewis

michael noland heads are fuming. bring him back!

Matt Cain

Reacher Season 3 incoming

Henk Stank

Can’t wait for the mattress guys episode. I bought a new mattress a few months ago and while researching beds I found the mattress Reddit where most of the posts are about people losing their minds and becoming suicidal trying to buy a mattress. Lots of quality stuff over there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Mattress/comments/ho4lik/best_mattresses_1000_or_below/fxftajc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3

Mickey Flykick

When Chris goes to Columbus, you should have a Guys Invitational Bowling Tournament


You can learn alot about America from Bryan's financial history. "There was a pillhead with 6 credit cards" will be taught in history classes in the future

Aaron Carlin

Praying to god that Bryan’s credit is so bad his 9 credit cards only have $1000 limits


the only way I’d agree to pay off my credit card debt would be if Opie brought back Da Beer Show

Robert Frenken

At first I thought it was a bit, but he actually seems so bad with managing money


bring back the golden days of Da beer show #wewerethere