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  • Brace_And_Bryan_11_13_20... - audiogram.mp4
  • Brace_And_Bryan_11_13_20... - audiogram.mp4



We recorded this awhile ago. I know we talked about the first time we jerked off, that is for sure somethingI remember. So strap in for another Brace and Bryan episode and the new hotwife tier podcasts!



Michael Coutts

I hope Brace and Bryan becomes a recurring series

Kellen Singer

I’m a hotwife — horny for content first thing on a Wednesday morning.

Kevin Orellana

Queeber mentioned trying to do at least 1 a month cause they bothmiss doing it so lets hope so!


Dude! I remember taking it all off from the little HBO/Cinemax guide that came every month. You knew the good stuff because it had the SC for strong sexual content


B&B was my favorite bonus show from back in the day, v psyched to have it return!

Murder X Bryan

I think we are gonna try to do them as often as possible I just couldn’t commit to every month. They are just gonna be extra surprise hotwife bonuses


beating off with books instead of reading them is incredible queeber lore


Bryan's sexual awakening: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ed8ce9864cc4e434bba0408/1622887992520-NHY0EU1S1XP84HSJD8CN/vlcsnap-2021-06-05-20h12m31s743.png?format=1000w


You just know he was fucking the Howard Stern book in detention...


I also discovered jacking off from a book brushing me. For me it was the Earthbound strategy guide.



Kevin Orellana

Interrogation vids do be hitting tho


I went into this new tier a little skeptical but after this story I am always willing to pay whatever the price. Some people live interesting lives but no one has lived a monetizable life than Bryan.


Awardsdaily? How'd they factor in? Followed that site in HS

Michael Coutts

You guys are great together. And mad respect Bryan, I'm a not normal normal guy too.


Heal us, Queeber. Heal us.

Ray Waldron

flub in the bio of this episode btw


Paid the extra 3 dollars and it was worth it


So Brian is a bull to books.

Sydney Hinds

PLS tell me Chris listened to this

Mickey Flykick

He said he was excited to check it out. All I can picture is Chris losing his mind

Mickey Flykick

The new Ultimate books are what you should read if you gotta read Marvel. Mature adults read DC Books like Batman & Robin and The Teen Titans

Jay S.



I look at the $5 people as inferior, which makes me enjoy these episodes even more. I’ll never feel bad unless there is a tier I can’t afford

joe lopez

I read the westing game as a kid haha

Homicide Note Victim

Crying during Godzilla Minus One is normal and cool.


Gotta get that granny on a Sybian


Also need an update on roller coaster guys

Leroy Leroy Leroy

If anyone wants to watch it, the show brace was on is called Out there: crimes of the paranormal. And he is on the first episode. I haven’t watched it yet, so I can’t give a review but if anyone was curious. It’s on Hulu, and someone put up a few episodes including braces on YouTube.

Diamond Day 💖💖💞💞

The iron claw didn’t get you at all Bryan? I was a baby in that theater and I’m not even into wrestling 😭

Patrick Miller

Thanks for bringing back third show. I hope a new episode of American Podcass is in the works now that Kid Rock has been appointed to Trump’s liquor cabinet!