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  • Guys_11_15_2024 - audiogram.mp4
  • Guys_11_15_2024 - audiogram.mp4



Hey there everyone, it's another episode of Guys and it is chock full of everything you could want, we talked about jam band guys, we checked in with a very weird Michael Noland video after that we checked The Chivery and some Chivette comments




Don’t care that the intro is not danceable. I love it all the same


Why did Bryan go outside to be sick instead of into a toilet

Paul R

As a pastafarian I can confirm “al dente” means “on the tooth”, referring to the tender but firm nature of al dente pasta and the bit of bite or resistance it has on your tooth when you bite into it

Boris Canzano (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 01:20:01 Italian speaker (NOT pastafarian) checking in here to say that dente is just the Italian word for teeth so close enough
2024-11-15 14:19:11 Italian speaker (NOT pastafarian) checking in here to say that dente is just the Italian word for teeth so close enough

Italian speaker (NOT pastafarian) checking in here to say that dente is just the Italian word for teeth so close enough

Paul R

Correction it means “to the tooth”, I flubbed, may he flagellate me with his noodly appendages

Bobby Mack

Wait if Noland thinks the Hall of Fame was corrupt from the *beginning, why tf does it even matter??

Trey Marks

I got really fucked up at a Phish show a couple months ago and couldnt stop laughing throughout the whole set because of how stupid the music was

Trey Marks

You have to be on acid to make it through three hours of noodley nonsense

Tamar Shafrir

I think the word he was looking for was inhabits, like her music resides within the space of those genres, rather than habituates

Aidan Dean-Jones

classic post flub by not putting the dude photo in the show notes

Herr Klopek

I’m not seeing today’s episode in the RSS feed or on Spotify. Is anyone else having this issue?


The relief I felt when Chris underlined "Needless to Shaye." IRL, I am the king of flubs. Here, I am merely another flubhead.


My mom is a long time dead head. She said there used to be “Tapers” who would show up super early and take all the space in the front with their recording equipment and freak out of you talked near them. The origin of both the tarper and anti-chomper.

Alex V.

Micheal Nolan was really giving Bill Mahr in this episode.

Logan Ausherman

Mr Nolan is looking better than ever I see.

Honeydew Wilkins

Barfin Bryan. He's gonna...he's gonna PUKE. HE'S GONNA PUKE.


Wow, SHOCKED to hear Bryan get his due. Hopefully Grouchy Gris’ Gripestreak’s Gone4Good… frrasy goading gets grating; GTFO that gulch of grimy gimmickry. Go graceful, garrulous grievancemonger — generate gratitude!! #guys #goofin

Aaron Panos

Free ep or……flub?

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Imagine this dude comes to your bar's trivia night and starts demanding you let him troubleshoot your wifi problems and when you tell him no he just goes outside and starts trying to make himself throw up.

Mickey Flykick

Chris’s Smash Burger story made me realise you guys should do Liar Guys. Liars are so funny


Chris reading chive for the articles

Daniel Stern

Chris with the "groundhog day? Is that a Christmas movie?"

Nick Terlizzi

Al dente in Italian means like teeth (meaning the pasta is hard) and thus … Alfonso Dente Day

Neil Muck

My brother is a huge Phish head and I saw them last year with him at Pine Knob and it was a good show. They do play for a long time but it's not the aimless structurless music people think it is.

Marty Trox (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 01:20:01 Gonna get technical, but it doesn't mean "like teeth", it means "to the tooth/to tooth", like saying salt "to taste". The tooth should feel the pasta when biting
2024-11-18 07:05:42 Gonna get technical, but it doesn't mean "like teeth", it means "to the tooth/to tooth", like saying salt "to taste". The tooth should feel the pasta when biting

Gonna get technical, but it doesn't mean "like teeth", it means "to the tooth/to tooth", like saying salt "to taste". The tooth should feel the pasta when biting


Noland is very popular among racist rockers


HUGE UP to jetpack burgers gotta let christian know he's getting the guys bump


For panic attacks, have you looked into weighted hoodies or vests, or wearing a compression undershirt? Seems like they could provide some stability out in public.