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Bleach 293+294+295+296

Reaction: https://youtu.be/WBzP61lK5JI

Uncuts: https://thenormies.com/bleach-24/




To the Normies, What a coincidence that on YouTube Ep 294 is about to be posted following you guys having reached TYBW episode 6 on here, both centered around Yamamoto. Fun Fact: The one who Yamamoto was referring to with “Believe me, you would not be the first fool who thought he was strong enough to take me down” when speaking to Aizen, is Yhwach. Saint Zwinger = "Sanctuary Veneration” and Btw just a heads up, the latest 3 episodes you guys forgot to include on YouTube is (370) with as Episode 4, (371) with as episode 5, and (372) with as Episode 6.👍