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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know to expect Korra a little later in the day today! FMAB will be posted soon. Had some trailers and a Community binge today so it set us back a little. Thanks for your patience! 



Seconded, although it's only the same animation studio, not the same writer


Much rather watch you than blind wave. Been with y'all since ATLA ep 1 and will continue with y'all through the end of Korra, along with other shows y'all do.

Rodrigo Borges

Gotta prevent the "WHERES KORRA" flood lol




Would be nice if you have time schedules for the videos to be posted


Will Korra be uploaded before 6PM (aka before midnight in Europe)?


Community binge you say? How about we finish season 1 tomorrow?


Where is Korra??




Sloppy. Paying Blindwave half as much to not be disappointed smh lol


blind wave charges half?

Ever Beltran

Yeah, they have early access for $5 and uncut reactions for $10.


God people are so entitled. Take your time guys. Good content later is preferred to none! Patience is lost on many. Have a great day to all who are patient y'all.


Nah man. If i'm paying you double the rate as a direct competitor for generally lower quality content, i expect you to stay on your schedule, especially when said competitor is consistent

Andrea C.

Aw man so I’m excited for this episode too! Waiting patiently for that upload though.


Hey guys just point out yes they charge $5 for early reactions but they are one week ahead. Yes we charge $10 but you are 5 weeks ahead with Episodes compared to youtube. So sit tight! Suraj is working his but off to make sure to get you guys a badass video. - Nahid

Raphael R. (Raph)

The Normies are off schedule? According to their calendar, they're not. Maybe you live in Japan? Oh, and Patreon viewers are 4 episodes ahead of YouTube. Unlike Blindwave, which is just 1. But I feel you. If it's not worth it, anyone can unsubscribe.


You are paying double the rate. But you are getting reactions 4 weeks ahead compared to Blindwave who only have early access out one week ahead. You get more bang for you buck. If you feel our work is lower quality. We are sorry you feel that way. Please message us we are open to suggestions. Also this is probably the first time in a very long time Suraj has been a tad late with the Korra reactions. Whenever this happens we are always there to inform you. Either way thanks for your support we will try to improve things as we continue. - Nahid


Keep making good content thats all we want ♡


Guess i'm not sleeping tonight boisss


You pay half as much but you get reactions one week early. Our reactions are way ahead of schedule. We make it practice to be atleast 3 weeks or more ahead with most of our shows except for our live ones. Legend of Korra is supposed to be on Episode 4 today on Youtube and Episode 8 will air on Patreon today. You get more bang for your buck. Also this is probably one of the few times in along time Suraj is uploading it a little later in the day. We apologize for this and it may happen again. But we will always inform you of any changes. Thank you for your continuous support. - Nahid

Cactus Tony

Blindwave doesn't have Nahid, Suraj, Micky, Rana, Navi, I could keep going. That's why I pay more for Normies.


^^This made my day! Love you man thanks for the continuous support. We are gonna keep doing what we are doing but WAAAY bigger this year. - Nahid


Thank you for that very diplomatic response Nahid. I do feel as if your logic is a bit off though; the upload rate to either platform is still the same, so your casual viewer wouldn't really be missing anything. Also, idk if 4 episodes worth of lackluster post commentary and general assessment of presented themes is really a "bang for my buck". Sure, I get a larger quantity, but if the quality isn't as good as a competitor's, am I really spending my money wisely? in this case, I personally do not think so, but I love Korra too much to NOT subscribe.


I would disagree i think my logic makes perfect sense. We give the ability for our viewers to binge the episodes. Being 4 weeks ahead compared to 1 some may think thats better for your buck. Now your logic of our videos is based on your opinion. Its your opinion our videos our lackluster and are lessor than our competitions. That is a question you should ask yourself not us. Are you spending your money wisely? From your comments towards our videos its probably in our own interests that you are not spending your money wisely. Everything you are saying is subjective towards you. All you are doing is creating negativity in this thread. - Nahid


Where is KORRA?


Again I disagree. Our 10 dollar tier is completely fair. Yes you get to binge once but you stay current with all us. Also its pretty likely when their are two parters they go up at the same time. Also to add the fact that our full reactions are 5 bucks and are included in the 10 dollar tier as well. All you are doing is creating negativity in this post. Your logic is based on your opinion of our videos are lackluster compared to Blindwave. Thats fine you are entitled to that opinion. Go support them all you want. But sitting here and spreading negativity saying one reaction channel is better than another is just a crappy thing to do. Makes you look bad at the end of the day. Im done with this. Your head is where its at and its never gonna come out. You make no sense. You say our vidoes are inferior and lackluster but you still support us. Either way good day to you hope you somewhat enjoy the videos we put out while you support us. - Nahid


No, it doesn't: you only get the 4+1 once, not continuously as your statement implies. after that, it's only 1 per week like with YouTube. Only with the initial investment do I get to binge, but after that, it's $10 a month for one episode a week. bro, I said IN MY OWN COMMENT that I don't feel like I'm spending my money wisely, so the last portion of your response was unnecessary. Yes, evaluating worth is subjective, but compared to other reactors, you guys are lacking; there's minimal theory-crafting, very little in-depth discussion of LoK's socio-political climate and its ramifications, and constant, often unwarranted, comparisons to ATLA as an excuse to justify an apparent lack of interest. Suraj and Mikey seem to genuinly be into it, Raina's not believable at times and you're too volatile to gauge properly. All of these deductions are based solely on your ATLA reactions. As I will state again, I personally do not think these reactions, atm, are worth my money, but my love for Korra is keeping me here.


OH wow dont ya look at that... its uploaded hope you enjoy our reaction. - Nahid


Also, demanding better for a paid service rendered is not creating negativity. I want you guys to win, but I personally just want better content for what I'm paying. And you're not going to appease everybody so idk why you're trippin


Corpus Turner - We have been consistent with our schedule. It says that Korra will be out on Wednesday and it's 4:15pm EST on Wednesday and Korra is up. Obviously we will be following the timezone that we live in and the episode is posted on the day we promised. If there is delay then we are working on updating patrons as soon as possible. We don't suggest that our videos are better than Blind Wave because they have their speciality and we have ours. We both do things differently and entertain differently. If you think that we are not providing enough perks for $10 which includes early access for more than 3 shows per week, live hangout and full reactions thats for $5 then you are feel free to unsubscribe and wait for Korra to be released on Youtube. Yes, we are competitors with Blind Wave but we are two different groups and we have two different formats for reactions. - Navi


When you sit there and say your reactions are lackluster and of low quality. (Especially when ive heard the complete opposite) Also when you are sitting there critiquing our reactions to a group of creators who are completely different individuals from us. Because we are not the same we react differently is kind of shitty and insulting. Im sorry im volatile thats who i am. If you cant gauge me then you dont know me compared to the many subscribers that do. Your problem is with our reactions which is us. Your spreading your issues with how we react onto other comments saying blindwave is a better service. Feels like spreading negativity to me. You can demand for better services in a better fashion. Most people send messages discussing their problems with us. They dont comment on other comments sayin our services is not good compared to someone else. - Nahid


Not sure where to properly suggests new shows at, but Nahid you had asked at the end of the reaction so I'd like to suggest Baccano! It's only 13 episodes long, the dub is great, and it's from the same creators as FMA, so go put it on the wheel!! Thanks guys!


Lol I know by now you are getting constant notifications but I just thought I (Suraj) might just chime in and say something. I completely see where you're coming from but we will have to stand by what we're offering currently at our $5 and $10 levels respectively. We're working to improve our discussions by taking more notes during the show so we can go a bit more in depth than usual. Your critiques are welcome and we care about what everyone has to say. Just don't take it too personal when Nahid or some of us get a little heated to defend ourselves. Everyone takes criticisms differently. Hopefully we can take what you have to say and put it towards bettering our content to find more ways to make it valuable! - Suraj