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WHAT AN ENDING!! Everyone of these episodes feels like its own stand alone movie! Anyways! I hope you all enjoy our reaction and our banter!  - Nahid


The Expanse - 2x8 Pyre - Group Reaction

We are back again on this fine Tuesday to watch more of The Expanse. Today watch with us as we watch the aftermath of Ganyamede Station. We get introduced to new characters and dive deeper into who is The Seventh Man?


Ori Lotus

Yo, props on being able to edit this video into just 10 minutes ! This whole episode was fucking amazing, I was wondering how you'd be able to pick those choice moments from it. Drummer is a fucking queen btw, loved that last bit with her.


Just wanted to say thank you for doing The Expanse, such an under appreciated show in my opinion. Love the interesting discussions amongst you all that are brought up. You will definitely be blown away with the rest of the season and roll on season 3 😀

hays collins

I will start the where’s korra train......WHERES KORRA


Anybody know when Season 3 premieres? Space just keeps running "Coming Soon" commercials.

Tony Camas

There was some unofficial information that suggested SyFy was going to start the season in mid-March -- basically, they wanted to wait until the Olympics were over. But the people who were saying that seem to have walked that back now, and significantly, there's been no official announcement from SyFy or Space. They haven't even put together a real (non-teaser) trailer for Season 3. But I have no idea what the delay is about. I know they finished filming months ago. I know various members of the Cast, Crew, and Production Team have been saying (on Twitter, on Reddit, etc.) that Season 3 is going to be even better than season 2. So what is holding things up? Nobody's talking. It's got to be pretty soon, though.


Syfy looks to have pushed it to the summer now stating mid 2018 premiere. Season 3 probably will start in June.