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 Hey yall! Hope everyone out there is well and doing awesome.  Here goes some late night Expanse reactions for yall.  Today we watch episode 9 and YES again we are left at the edge of our seat. - Nahid


The Expanse 2x9


Asadullah Khan

Another awesome reaction. Thank you, guys. Great episode. Meeting scene is my favorite as well. Also love the Venus crater scene. Really spices up the mystery element. P.S Kurzgesagt is indeed an awesome channel.

Tony Camas

Hey guys, great reaction and comments, as usual. Not sure why there haven't been more comments for the last few. Maybe people are trying to be quiet for Nahid. Hey, that "water thins your blood" thing is an urban legend. Runa is right, water is the answer. Most of what you feel with a hangover is from dehydration. If you match your drinks one for one (or as close as you can get to that) with water, it helps a lot. Plus it slows you down a little, which is also a good thing. Also, studies show that the more you watch The Expanse, the more you can drink without getting sick. Okay, I may have made up that last part.

Tony Camas

Oh, the Baltimore thing is because Amos grew up in the streets of Baltimore. They'll cover more of that backstory eventually, I think (hope).


Hey tony thanks for the awesome comments! yeah man i was dying that day. Yes i would agree my friend The expanse is great at curing hangovers. Did not know that about Amos thanks for the tidbit it always helps! - Nahid

Zachery Gaskins

"The Churn" is a short story about Amos' days as a street enforcer for the Baltimore mob. It's a quick read (2h on Audible) and not too dense.