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Sorry about the delay, premiere has been a nightmare today.  


Vikings - 4x18 Revenge - Group Reaction (Temp File)



Micky if you're interested this episode has the second best extended scene (imo) of this season between Ecbert and Aethewulf.

Siumen Umana

Awesome reaction to an awesome episode


Please no agents of shield...superhero stuff so cringey now and overdone. Peaky blinders some real drama.


Don't worry, nobody gives a shit about margrette, terrible character

ashar waseem

See 19 and 20 together and finish the season :)


Saw it! Heartbreaking. I hate there's different versions of the show, makes things confusing. They cut out the best stuff!


Hope you all got to see the extended scene between the seer and Ragnar. Love what Ragnar says about Lagetha


Maybe interesting to some of you guys, this is a map showing the movements of 'The Great Heathen Army' in real history <a href="https://engelskhistoria.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/the-great-heathen-army.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://engelskhistoria.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/the-great-heathen-army.png</a>


Of course it's a bit different on TV. All the events in the show kind of really happened, but they tried to compress a few hundred years of history and different people into the characters we follow on screen.


"hes a man of god who put his prick into your wife" is probably my favourite thing Ecbert has ever said. but yeah it is annoying but i don't think its season 5 has that extent of scene cuts from what i can remember


I don't think I can actually watch this episode; just seeing your reactions is enough for me. I was getting sick from just those short glimpses of the actual scene. Damn.


4B has the most annoying cuts by far, but 5A did have some pretty great scenes that got shortened. I'm glad I live in the UK so I don't have to worry about that bullshit