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Hey yal!! here we go with some late night early access of some of The Expanse.  Today we watch episode 11 and I can say this is probably my favorite episode so far of the season because how constant it was.  I couldnt even take breath! - Nahid


The Expanse 2x11



Hey yall! The Video is processing still give it a bit and it should be good to go!


Thanks! So glad you guys like this TV show, so underrated.

Zachery Gaskins

The kids had an immunodeficiency disorder in common (which is why Mei Meng needed regular meds). This made them easier hosts for the protomolecule since they'd hardly put up a fight rejecting the foreign tissue (or die of shock while trying).

Alexis Cardarella

February, I fucking wish!! Obviously, you guys know it’s premiering in April by now (post- filming). April 11th, which is basically a month from now! 😃

Alexis Cardarella

Thank you guys so much for these reactions! If people don’t catch on to this, they regrettably will down the road!!

Alexis Cardarella

And, oh! Will you guys be reacting to the official season 3 trailer?!

Feyd-akin Skywalker

Gunny is her rank. She's a Gunnery Sergeant, and it's often unofficially shortened to Gunny. Bobbie is also a nickname, for her first name, Roberta

Feyd-akin Skywalker

Alex is half talking to himself, half talking to the ship. Because the ship has really advanced AI, but the show decided not to have it talk back like Jarvis in Iron Man or HAL in 2001, but just simply follow Alex's requests

Feyd-akin Skywalker

Laughed out loud at your edited in correction Nahid!


I think Bobbie was up against the wall anyway. If she just went back to Mars I bet she would have been executed.


Not only that; she LIVED to be a Marine and they were going to take that from her AT THE VERY LEAST. Her team is team, Mars won't become the oasis she dreams about in her lifetime, there's nothing left for her there.


Still, by the way the others reacted I'd say it's not standard practice to talk to your ship like a person. They're implying Alex was losing it a bit out there by himself for that long. It could also just be a result of all those drinks he had (I assumed they were Red Bull or some other energy drink to help him stay alert while he waited for their call)


Thank you! We really love this show its one of the Gems on TV. We cant wait til Season 3 and all the craziness. I know there is a Teaser out. When the trailer comes out we sure will do something for it. - Nahid

Feyd-akin Skywalker

Nahid: the ultimate Mars fanboy. You and Rana should cosplay as Alex and Bobbie


Centuries ago, when TALL ships first sailed the seas, wives and girlfriends would come down to the docks to see if their men would come home today. They noticed hundreds of years ago, that as a tall ship approached, that they could see the top of the masts and sails ONLY, and then as the ship grew closer, they could see all of the sails but no ship beneath it, and finally the entire sailing vessel--as if the ship were sailing over a hill. "Flat-earthers" are not people; they are TROLLS! But that's not even the amazing part! Eratosthenes proved that the earth was round almost 2300 years ago! He did it with math and a well at Syene--now Aswan--about 500 miles south of Alexandria in Egypt!