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Book 1 finale for Legend of Korra is here! Enjoy all you early access supporters who are very awesome! :)


The Legend of Korra - 1x12 End Game - Group Reaction



I’ve been looking forward to this


I’ve been waiting for you guys seeing the brothers end

Jugraj Singh

onya mate, lovin it.


Yeah all the seasons of this show are half as long as the seasons on avatar and book 2 isn't exactly the best season but if you can get through that, you will can sit back and enjoy books 3 and 4. The 2nd half of the series is much better than book 2


YESSSSS SEASON 2's VARRICK IS HERE :D you guys are gonna love him

Adam is Magic

Book 2 here we come! Don't be discouraged be everyone saying book 2 isn't as good until the second half just form your own opinions. Also this finale was terrific!

Rodrigo Borges

Time to watch this, unpledge and then come back for season 3 lmao (just kidding guys)

Feyd-akin Skywalker

Haha the invisible fence really is like Lost, and I knew Suraj was going to say that


Too bad season 2 is the least good.

Andre Ransom

Yea it feels rushed because these 12 episodes were supposed to be it. Legend of Korra was supposed to be a one season mini series, but Nickelodeon gave them more at the last minute. The management of Nick is not the same as it was when The Last Airbender was around.


If only they knew who Korra would end up with.

Sean Penn

One thing to note about the scene on the cliff, it is subtly hinted at that she is considering suicide. The way she stands on the edge and you see her tear drop fall down the cliffside. Then Aang says she has reached her lowest point.


I am sad you cut out the reaction to Bumi coming in haha but I loved your reactions!


I’m ready for the best two parter of the avatar franchise. Y’all know what I’m talking about


I wish they would have made this season longer, second best season in this series.

Andre Ransom

Yes please fly through book 2, I actually think you should do two episodes a week, at least until the halfway point of the book. From that point on one a week will be good.

Adam Vialpando

As much as I love LoK, I gotta admit book 2 is the weakest of the 4. Not to say it's entirely bad, there are plenty of great moments. But be warned, for some reason they wrote Korra like she forgot all of her lessons from book 1. At least in the first half of the season. And it's followed up by probably the best season of Korra.


Ok. To clarify some things. Korra was originally envisioned as a mini series. During production of book 1, Book 2 was approved for production. But the story for book 1 was already written. So Book 2s story is a bit of a reset and builds up from there towards book 4. Books 3 and 4, from a production standpoint, are technically season 2. They were approved together and the story flows well together in those books. Mike and Bryan said the studio was generally supportive, but the broadcasting branch never really knew how to handle the show because it doesn't really fit well with the demographic Nickelodeon targets.


I'm sorry people but the ending is soooooooo rushed and shit.


brace yourself for season 2 my dudes (till episode 6 anyway). Also, there was some comment on youtube about how Korra opened her Chakras throughout the story instead of sitting and meditating, and when reading it, it did make sense. Maybe someone can find it?

Fadilla Achmad

You guys, Korra was going to jump off the cliff at the end of this episode. She must've felt so useless being the "avatar" who can only bend air, and wanted another avatar to be reborn. Being the avatar is her whole identity, and Amon stripped that away for a moment. And in a few months, you'll learn how her future enemies are going to affect her physically and emotionally, which will allow her to grow. The growing part's gonna take a while tho -_- please be patient with her


Yay another Korra

Rodrigo Borges

Guys let them make their own opinions about s2 as they go through it. I'm just sitting here waiting to see Nahid go fucking crazy on season 3

Jay M

Because Nickelodeon was shit! If Bryke had as much time to invest in Korra as much as they did with A:TLA, the series would've turned out a lot better. I hate the fact that so many people hate on and are so quick to disregard Korra so much because it isn't as good as A:TLA. Korra (on its own) is still miles better than most garbage on TV. I still think A:TLA is better of course. But for the shitty time constraints Nickelodeon constantly placed on Bryke (and the rest of the Avatar team), what they did with Korra was understandable. I'm sure others can feel the same way, but if the company you worked for constantly yanked your chains, constantly pressured you into doing something in an unreasonable time frame, always made shitty false promises, the work you'd be producing won't be up to your standards.

Theo S.

So they couldn't explicitly say it on Nickelodeon but when Korra was standing on the cliff it's meant to indicate she's contemplating suicide. Not exactly out of depression (solely) but the recognition that without her bending, she can't be a fully realized Avatar - so she's willing to sacrifice herself so that the next Avatar in the cycle can be born right away. Its her willingness to make that sacrifice that allows her to connect to her past lives

Jonathan Azares

Great reaction, I love reliving these moments with you all!

Jay M

Jfc! People who give spoilers thinking they're not spoiling anything are the worst type of people

Delbert valerio

Still a job well done for only 12 episodes. Imagine if ATLA had that kind of pressure to wrap things up in 12 epsiodes, wouldn't have been as satisfying. And for People who say "it way too easy for her to get her bending back" i still prefer that over "sleep walking into a giant lion turtle that gives you the power to energy bend and takes you exactly to a place where Ozai begins his assault"

Nick Lykins

They just need to make it past the first 6 episodes of season 2 then it's all smooth sailing from there.


I'm also glad that she got all her bending back before season 2. The last show already did the journey to learn bending thing. Time to tell some new stories.


Really? Jesus. I never even knew that. I don't know if I like that. Kinda felt like pushing boundaries for pushing sake and nothing else.


s2e7-8 not too far now


I didn't like how the equalists were written off as just completely wrong because they did have legit complaints. I was hoping that Korra would have found a way to work with them and help them.


TL;DR version: Nahid was right about Ozai(?), Zuko=Tarrlok, Yakone=Sozin, theme of rebirth, nature vs nurture, balance....this season was fun to break down and analyze Full version: Book One - Air: The first chapter of Korra's story or the last chapter of Aang's? Let's hold off on answering this question and first focus on a major element of this book, rebirth. The theme of rebirth is woven thoroughly into this season, yes most obviously shown in the Avatar being reborn in Korra, but also the rebirth of the Air Nation (driven home by Rohan's birth) and the rebirth of several character and story arcs from ATLA. Zuko and Tarrlok have almost identical stories: born to an abusive and power hungry father and a kind hearted mother, brother to a bending prodigy, their downfalls coming from an irrational and subconscious urge to live up to their father's legacy. These two characters function as a case study of nature vs nurture (this isn't a kid's show dude), the outcome resulting in a nature and nurture/nature is nurture showcase. Yes Zuko's choices as an individual differentiate his path from Tarrlok's, but where would Tarrlok be if he had an Uncle Iroh in his life? Another character/story arc reborn in this book is Roku's. Aang is to Korra as Roku was to Aang, not only sharing roles as guides, but also sharing roles as the impetus to the present Avatar's main struggle. Roku allows Sozin to live and this haunts Aang. Aang allows Yakone to live and this haunts Korra. If Aang ended Yakone's life, Korra wouldn't have to deal with the dilemma of Yakone reborn in Tarrlok and Amon. The show basically offers a critique of its past iteration. Then, with this in mind, was Nahid right in pushing for Ozai's death? It seems as if the consequences of Aang's handling of Yakone would justify that. However, the answer isn't clear cut, and what I take out of it is that there will always be someone who will abuse the mercy of others, but this shouldn't eliminate the necessity of mercy, to the contrary, this reinforces its necessity in our world. So, with so much overlap in character and story what is the answer to the initial question? Somehow, both and neither. It all comes back to the overall theme of balance the Avatar series loves to illuminate. This book serves as the bridge (that Avatar diction tho) between the individual stories of Korra and Aang, while also tying them together into one story. Aang's character in this book exemplifies this perfectly as we see him both in vision form and physically present with Korra, entirely separate yet intrinsically connected. The commentary here being that we all have our individual lives to live and stories to tell, but the things which serve to separate us are illusions, as our story is ultimately told by all of us together.


Great reaction but srsly it took us 3 months to get 12 episodes. At this rate we will finish korra at the end of the year which is just way too long. I get that you guys can‘t spam videos but you are starting so many shows recently and instead you could push more episodes of the shows you already have and finish those. And the longer the show goes on the more money we have to pay which is already more than usual. Still loved every reaction so far :)

Phonic Reassignment

she doesn't rely on the avatar state for everything, she goes in it once knowledge of all past avatars and the power of Rava it makes since she gets her elements back, aang didnt do anything and got his avatar state, roku was a magical fix the hypocrisy the turtle was, kyoshi was, avatar the last airbender was full of ass pulls the fish spirit

John Doe

Mickie has been dropping hints that he already knows. Like Calvin, he is either really good at deducting things, or has seen scattered episodes of the series already. Plus, just like what happened with Blind Wave, Avatar merchandise accidentally spoils future events (Zuko with the gang on t-shirts, DVD box art, etc.). I'm sure between that, troll commenters, general internet culture, people memeing about it, and the big deal that was made about the finale back in 2014, at least one of the Cozy 4 already know how it ends (if not more).


Korra was gonna suicide at that cliff originally so yes it was her lowest point


Hellz yes. The highlight to my Wednesdays.

Ghassan Massoud

Can't wait for you to get started on season 2. It is the weakest one, but worth it to get to the excellent 3 and 4, and it has a great two-parter around the middle.


I think you missed that Korra was going to kill herself on that cliff. so korra accepting death helped her with her spiritual side. it was confirmed by the writers but it was very subtle so don't worry guys!


Ah good old Nickelodeon, Airing a murder suicide in their cartoon. Ya know, for kids😂

Justin Neason

There are a lot of problems with season 2, yes. But after rewatching there are STILL a lot of a great things worth seeing, I'm still hyped for the reactions!


Same. Sure Korra and her romance are frustrating at times, but there are many great moments in season 2


Just one more season to go. 😏

Jorgen Schroen

Aang had to come back and save their ass though


You know when korra is legit a mature show, when she accepted death at the end.

Feyd-akin Skywalker

Jesus, the amount of spoilers and hate in this comment section is nuts. It's like a YouTube comment section


Season 2 introduces one of my absolute favorite characters in the entire series. Can't wait for you guys to "do the thing" and react to this next season!


Good luck surviving the S2 comments section! I personally love it


Any chance at all at getting 2 episodes a week?


I would love that, but I honestly don't know.


Omg, almost everyone saying "sEasON 2 is hOrRiblE" "SeaSon 2 Is ThE WeaKest". LIke shut up! Just let the Normies watch it, state their opinions and predictions. None of you are someone to convince them to skip the episodes or to rush in through the episodes. The Normies, this is comment directly towards you all, I hope you keep on watching The Legend of Korra and that you enjoy every single episode. Much Love - Jose.


she's not a monk, first she was stealing men now lives


Only funny guy in the whole show


Nickelodeon actually didn’t approve of a female lead at first as well.


Can't wait to see you guys watch season 3, best season out of the 4


when the 'greatest change' music comes on, i legit got goosebumps. holy fuck.


I love your guys reaction. The lowest point of Korra in this episode is contemplation of suicide. Her identity is solely base on her being the Avatar so she lost herself.

Ryley Q

i agree, normies just don't read the comments please!!!!


When i watch Avatar i get goosebumps, it's too good.

Ghassan Massoud

How did y'all not show us your reaction to Bumi?


Where can I watch the previous episodes that are not already uploaded on their main channel?

Barky McFluffybutt

They're all on patreon. Somewhere down the site. Click on "The Legend of Korra" or "early access" tags to filter out some of the other posts.


Yeah, I had to do a bit of a double take on that one myself ;)


To Nahid saying Korra crying was kinda weak for that being her lowest. You gotta remember at this point Korra has always shown a great amount of Pride not only in her bending but herself, she goes head first into everything. So her losing her bending was definitely the worst thing to ever happen to her. She probably felt she failed herself as well as the world.


It's just certain things that we know they will be disliking based on their responses to things in season 1. Like love triangle, Korra's initial headstrong personality etc. I felt they kept pointing it a bit much first season, I know that type of reactions will be back in Season 2. But of course, this is Avatar, overall it's an excellent series, they will love Season 2 and the others.


Really can't wait for the rest of the series reaction!


when will season 2 be posted on pateron


I feel like Korra's massive ego is the thing that prevented her from accessing the Avatar State. The Avatar State is a fail safe to protect the Avatar when they are at their most vulnerable. Korra hated being seen as vulnerable. She was bent on convincing herself that nothing was wrong until the moment when her bending was taken away. That's when she felt most powerless and desperate. That's when she was finally ready for the Avatar State to take over.


5:41 IROH-man

Champion Bescos

Nahid hit it on the head; Korra getting her powers back after a cry was far too easy, as was saying she loved Makko only after she got said powers back. I legitimately felt more impacted by the brothers death than I did her plight.

Rebel Pilot

hm well they had 12 eps. how should they have done it? only after this was finished and aired did Nickelodeon green light the next 3 seasons. it was ok and done well for a selfcontained season. as it should be judged considering the circumstances. plus as you may know from season 2 onward they will make it harder and consequences stick. Which I loved, and somehow everyone I know who complained bout season 1 being to easily solved... became a whiny complainer for Season 2 ending. *sips Tea* cant handle consequences I guess