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Barely made it in time!

As you can see, what I've done today is redrew a few of the panels and added clarifying text. After speaking with one of my beta readers, we went back and planned the battle in more detail. The changes are much stronger and more impactful and well worth the extra hours. Some of these include: drawing out a battle map to keep all the combatants in mind [won't show up in the comics but it'll increase consistency], moved up the actions of the army and the hounds to ensure everyone is participating sooner and with purpose, and a few more details that escapes me this late at night.

I'll try to have another page out by Monday and a Lore page by Wednesday. Thank you all for waiting.

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I can agree, the new page is better. But, there is still one unclear item: Is Warden saying the “no super strength, no magical healing” stuff about Prisoner and his thralls? I assume as much… Glad she realized they have rocks tho :) . Did none of the thralls bring any weapons to the previous battle? Not even so much as a dagger?


Aegis prevents healing within his aura. and yes they left it back at camp while they were fucking. Powerful weapons can be tracked - but the mundane weapons were left back at camp while the Prisoner immediately went to break his new captives into Hounds at the battlesite. His reason was time constraints, some of the Insight's squad were dying.


I guess I didn’t realize they had moved camp from where the previous battle occurred.


well no, the Prisoner just moved a bit. The Prisoner came out to battle Insight at a chosen location. Which is where everyone is currently at. [I have a map - I'll post it next update.]