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I dug up an old WIP which I believe was from early last year. It’s from a FE3H Claudeleth fanfic that I’ve been binging at the time and it’s still ongoing. This particular scene was in one of the later chapters because it’s slow burn. And by slow burn, I mean low fire grilling SLOW BURN.

I’m not even sure if I’m confident to show the csp file since this was done in an old process I used to do, which is very messy and did not know what tf to do until I render it all with crosshatching and all. These days, I’m trying to minimize hatching rendering now since the iPad and the apple pencil takes a slower time to use the eyedropper than when I used to with a non-display tablet. My XPPen did the job though.

Anyway, this is the fic in question: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21005276/chapters/49954349



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