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For Aweshock. After I made the hair curls, I decided the stripes on the OG design would look great as curvy zigzags (?) on the redesign so there’s one theme for that. Also it reminded of those sandals with long straps that wrap around the foot which looks cool but also annoying to out on from personal experience. There’s a ref with the purple hair but there wasn’t one without the clothes but I preferred the purple. I always thought red and purple are neat together.

If you’re a tier 2 patron and up and want me to redesign an OC for fun, you can comment from this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/send-me-your-oc-50724274?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare




Nice! To explain the hair thing, her hair is naturally black but she dyes it purple as a style thing, so she'd definitely agree with your color change for her. the curls also reminded me that mohawk hair styles can be pretty vast, and I should remember that for other members of the race. Thanks a lot.


I see! I had a hunch that was the case, but more in a built-in function that she can change colors in command lol