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Jeff K

So, you know how season two had two "extra" episodes that Apple asked to make after they'd already written a full 10-episode story? Obviously you know the Christmas one was one of them, and I'm sure you can guess this is the second. Episodes that don't impact the overall story, but still help flesh out the characters a bit more.

Christina H

The “Blue Moon” is the Man City loss haunting him. The song Blue Moon is Man City’s song. All the fans will sing it. Before and during a match.

Christina H

And yes.. you can walk in London and drink a beer, but there are some restrictions. Oh and I have had the biggest crush on Thierry Henry for years. Amazing footballer.

Christina H

Also.. this episode is an homage to After Hours, a 1985 comedy.

Christina H

Haha .. the cornetto song the boys sang as they pulled away in the limo is from a British commercial. A cornetto s a brand of ice cream treat cone you can buy at the store. One reason I love this show is it reminds me of my time in England. And I catch a lot of the British references. Beard hula hooping is actually one of his little talents. My mom was amazing with a hula hoop. She won trophies. I, on the other hand, tragic.

Joe Blankenship

Considering how the previous episode ended, I can understand why some people don't care for this one. We get that reveal about Ted's dad and instead of unpacking it, we go out on the town with Beard. But I liked it. Beard's great.

Jonathan Frey

This episode was so different for me, but I enjoyed it nonetheless because I like Beard and the 3 lads from the pub.

Amelie W

Here we see what world Beard lives in, loud, surreal, full of intense experiences. I think it's great how he works, and works hard, to make his life not easy or safe but only interesting.

Chris Bruneau

My least favorite episode.


Only one episode this week? :(


Hey @DTGstl314, we understand that seeing only one episode can be disappointing when you’re invested in a show. We appreciate your enthusiasm and support, but I want to take a moment to clarify a few things. Our team is working really hard to produce as much content as we physically and creatively can. With each show we cover, we aim to release at least two episodes per week on Patreon, and on YouTube, we release an episode every single day. Patreon is leaps ahead with YouTube only at 1x9! But sometimes, this schedule is impacted by the length of episodes or unforeseen circumstances. For example, when Ted Lasso increased its episode duration from 20-30 minutes to 45 minutes to an hour, it doubled the time needed to film, review, edit, and upload each episode. Right now, we’re filming 10-12 hour (sometimes longer!) days to stay on top of everything, and even though we love doing it, it’s not sustainable to keep adding more without making adjustments. We’re actively working on tweaking our schedule to accommodate additional Ted Lasso episodes when possible, but it’s important to remember that we are human beings behind the content. These types of comments can come across as disheartening and sometimes rude, as they don’t acknowledge the huge amount of time and energy we’re already putting in. I promise we’re doing everything we can to bring you the content you enjoy while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance. We really appreciate your patience and support as we navigate this. Thank you for understanding!


That was a very thorough but somewhat unnecessary explanation, but I appreciate it nonetheless. I was just bummed that there's only episode this week, but I'll get over it. Not a big deal. You guys are great, thanks for the quick response.


One of my favorite episodes, just plain goofy & fun. Loved the Fight Club parody scene.