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Ray H

The scene with LittleFinger/Arya/Tywin is a little decisive. I’m pretty sure that LittleFinger recognized it was Arya, but there is really no way to confirm that. Can’t tell his motivation or intention for withholding that info. However, I absolutely do not believe for a second that Tywin recognized her because he had never seen her before and still believes she’s captured in King’s Landing. If he had known she had been there, he would have had her locked away cuz the Starks have his son and at the very least she would be another bargaining chip. Tywin ain’t stupid like a lot of other people.


Phones do not cause cancer... That is some "5G causes cancer" type of nonsense.


Mind you the actress who plays Sansa (Sophie Turner) was only like 15 when they filmed this.

Chris Bruneau

some trivia: the actress playing the nursemaid that Robb stark is sweet on is Oona Chaplin--the granddaughter of the famous silent film star Charlie Chaplin.

Patrick Fangmeyer

Jon and Ygritte are married in real life

Mark Lecuyer

Back in 2009, I went on a cruise in Alaska. On one of the excursions, we did a helicopter ride over an iceberg and then landed on it to walk around for a few minutes. The pilot advised to stay on the more, hard icy like ‘ground’ & to not step on any powdery snow piles. He stated that powdery stuff is fresh and may be covering a hole that could be meters deep….So, I was hearing what you were saying during the John Snow scenes Maple and note – we did not venture too far away from the helicopter once the pilot informed us of that info.

Joshua Luzania

You should get some Shungite. Do you know what Shungite is? It's a 2 billion year old like rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air... That's my story, I bought a bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa.


laugh everytime i see this in the wild lmao

Damien Lupo

I had a slightly different take. I don't think Littlefinger recognized Arya, I think he was eyeing her to see if he could recognize her as one of Varys' little spiders.

Damien Lupo

But I definitely agree that Tywin, didn't recognize her. He never knew her, and if he even had an inkilng of and idea of who she was, he would have kept her captive from the moment he arrived at Harrenhall.

Renaldo Allard

John snow is the greatest character of all times can’t wait for you to see him unfold

Renaldo Allard

You guys are going to love this show I can’t wait


True. Just "nursemaid" isn't really the right term xD kinda confused me there. Nursemaid would be more like the medieval version of a nanny.


Thank you. Couldn't believe what I was hearing there. People should be more careful before they spout off unconfirmed medical conspiracy theories like that in public.


I went to belfast met college beside titanic studios where they filmed a lot of game of thrones and the crew got out for lunch around the same time as us and walked to the resturants nearby or into town, i hadnt see game of thrones yet so i didnt even know who they were really but i used to see ygritte and jon snow holding hands walking together all the time, it was so funny when i finally watched the show and saw their characters and then found out theyre married now haha.


Arianna smarly getting on the "Is Dany one of the baddies?" train early.

Jonathan Blaze

I like seeing reactions to the torn off limb in the riot. So knarly. And hoisting it like the Stanley Cup! Lol.