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Camden Marr

welp, time for the first major test of if you’re gonna like this show i guess

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Someone please tell me if they liked it so I don't have to watch and feel heartbreak xD

Ron B

So now that we've gotten to this point (and you kinda mentioned it in the past episode too). For clarity's sake that CD "graveyard" Elliot has would -actually- work if you put those CDs into a generic CD player, meaning when he is writing down those album names on the CDs that album would actually be played. So I guess judge Elliot's taste in music for having no Pitbull in 2015? 🤷‍♂️ Anyways, the main point is it's only if you put it into a computer and compared them to an authentic original copy of the CD would you notice that the size of the files is -significantly- larger on Elliot's copies because he's hiding other files like pictures and text files about the people he is "deleting." He's using other software to put a password into unlocking those extras which is what you see him doing to get his own deleted files. On a completely different note, leaning more towards Elliot's perception of things. If you'll remember, when he proclaims his affection for Shayla in her apartment he ASKS "can I kiss you?" to which Shayla responds with her kissing him and saying "next time don't ask, it's lame." ...now you can see how that didn't reaaaallly work out too well for him 😅.

Jonas Buckner

Hard to tell, but they did seem a lot more interested after this episode. They liked it enough to keep going. I think they're starting to warm up.


Darlene is where most reactors seem to kinda lock in for good. They're usually watching Mr Robot like a hawk the whole time leading up to this point and her thing slips through. I'm feeling a little optimistic right now but we'll just have to see.


Yeah, to be clear he's hiding the images/videos on the disc and then also ripping the CD like normal, so like The Cure CD actually is a working The Cure album, just with the stuff hidden on it.

Ron B

Oh another important thing to note if nobody has made you guys aware...EVERY season finale (except for the final episode) has a post credits scene that's pretty important and Amazon likes to skip over it for some reason.

Phillip D Piris

When he mentions about us "arriving at the conclusion" and it cuts to him in the office, he's referring to how we're watching his life like a show and it's cutting to the parts important to story and not focusing on the mundane things that he still has to live through, like eating, showering and other parts he wishes he didn't have to pay attention to himself. Not necessarily the conclusion of the story, just the conclusion or outcome of the things he sets into motion.


Yup I was just gonna comment this to make sure they see the post Credit scenes. Hopefully they know or see this so they don't skip them.