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Hey guys,
Chad here.

so our team is in discussions as we speak but I want to be an early warning that it's looking like we're not going to continue this series into the second season.

We want to respect those that love the show and would prefer to switch and pick something that we can all enjoy together as a community :)

I am so thankful for each and every one of you and really hope to chat with y'all about whatever comes next.


Camden Marr

very sad about not continuing this show, but i totally understand. also i strongly recommend attack on titan for the replacement. im not 100% sure, but my guess is many people would also love to see you guys react to AOT. it truly changed my life, and it is a show i feel like everyone needs to watch at least once in their life. (oh also, if this is what you guys decide to watch i strongly recommend watching it in japanese. i understand if you prefer just watching it in english though. the english is good, i just find the japanese to be better)


I think you guys should atleast finish s2 and decide there but if not that's ok I understand

Camden Marr

i think since season 2 is so slow on a first watch that would just make it worse for them. and i don’t think those reactions would be very fun to watch


I won't lie, it feels like a gut punch, because out of all the countless tv shows out there, if there was one that I could bet my money on the girls would absolutely love, it would be Mr. Robot. At the same time, after how the Breaking Bad reactions went in its last season, I shouldn't be surprised. I think in the future the girls would benefit a lot if they just started accepting the characters "as they are", sort of speak, instead of hyperfocusing on their flaws and completely killing our enjoyment of their reactions as well as their own enjoyment of the show. I also think it's pretty obvious that Ariana & Maple are so used to shows where almost everything is exactly as it seems (in terms of storytelling structure - Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Peaky Blinders, just to name a few), that whenever they encounter a show like Mr. Robot with its strange framing and its magic realism, and characters that intentionally look and sound like caricatures, they immediately designate those things as writing defects instead of going "Hmm, I wonder why it's like that, let me try to figure it out". And doing that, ironically, is the most fun part of watching this show. It's a puzzle, and you just decided you have no interest in trying to solve it. Which sucks for us, but I guess that's your decision.


Dark dark dark


Well to each their own haha, disappointing obviously but I agree I think forcing them to watch a show they obviously aren't enjoying (and in those chairs 😂) wouldn't be enjoyable for anyone. Sad because I really do think this is one of the best shows ever made, but hey, only opinion, makes the world go round


Not everything is for everyone, big whoop. The Wire maybe?


LOL I was just gonna post after 1x9 that maybe this should just be a Maple reaction from here on but this seems like the best option for all. These were getting pretty painful to watch and imagining how Arianna would react to the first few episodes of season 2 it would probably end there anyway. Unfortunate but is what it is. PS. does anybody know of or have any recs for another patreon reacting to Mr. Robot currently? thanks

John Cedar

I'm watching The Americans rn and it's really fun. Fargo, Sopranos, The Wire, White Lotus, Snowfall, and Castlevania would all be cool shows I'd love to see you guys react to some day. I'm glad they gave it a fair shot, I know this show isn't for everyone.

Ray H

Blindwave is into the 3rd or 4th season now. James vs Cinema just finished like a couple months ago if you want to binge or go at your own pace.


I also selfishly ask that an anime doesn’t replace it. I envy those who can enjoy them but I can’t. I’m so jealous

Camden Marr

have you tried watching attack on titan? i felt the same way as you until i watched it, and it completely changed my mind

Chris Thompson

Yeesh anime. Hurts my head enough watching it, but to pile a reaction on top of it is just brutal. And besides it does seem like the go-to for so many reactors, especially Titan. Would be nice to see you guys going your own way with less appreciated shows.

Camden Marr

what is wrong with anime? it’s very popular for a reason. i personally feel like tons of people would love an aot reaction


Yeah, until I saw the reactions of girls I've never even thought about those character being caricatures, I just accepted it without second thought and enjoyed it. Very disappointing.


I don't blame the team for not wanting to continue. This is the first time I’ve rewatched the show since 2015 and it’s pretty rough lol. Season 2 also starts off very slow and is arguably the weakest season so I imagine you all wouldn’t enjoy that either. That being said, if you did manage to power through, seasons 3 and 4 are amazing. Whereas a lot of shows can start strong and have a lackluster ending, Mr Robot does the opposite with the first two seasons being weaker and then paying off in the last two seasons. Either way, looking forward to whatever comes next from the team.

DIO not Dio

I usually opt for Japanese when it comes to anime, not out of some oddball weeb thought process that Japanese = superior to all 🤓😭, but because I always go for the original performance of anything, like The Raid in Indonesian, Parasite in Korean, Pan's labyrinth in Spanish, etc. I'm fine if they go English though, some of the performances in the dub actually outshine the original in some cases imo, like the scene where he inspires his soldiers to "RAGEEE" (iykyk)

Joe Blankenship

I watched season 1 years ago, and enjoyed it, despite it being very similar to another thing. But I never got motivated to continue it.

Camden Marr

my thoughts exactly. i choose sub for the same reason. english definitely has a few scenes that are better than the original (especially the one you said), but i find the majority of the show to be better in japanese, and its the way the creators intended you to see it

Joe Blankenship

I'm not a huge fan of anime but Attack on Titan really sucked me in. It's a pretty easy watch on the English dub.



David Devora

I love Mr Robot as a whole but it definitely has its flaws. The writing can be very on the nose and the dialogue can be corny too. Y’all should do sopranos

Chris Thompson

I simply said it’s not for me. And commented on the over-saturation on YT. As for “tons of people” wanting it, are these the same tons that wanted a GOT lore reaction?? Seems like there’s a bit of vocal minority pandering going on here.

Spencer Wattamaniuk (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-28 07:00:58 Season 2 is insanely good on a rewatch.
2024-11-04 19:32:47 Season 2 is insanely good on a rewatch.

Season 2 is insanely good on a rewatch.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that even if they continued they would still not enjoy it come season 3. Season 1 lays a lot of groundwork for what kind of show this is and if they are not on board now, they won't be in season 3 just because the pace will be faster and the plot more focused. If anything, those things would just make them more annoyed since they won't really have a moment while watching to discuss what's going on the way they like to, and if they do they'll end up missing a lot of important scenes, which will make us as their audience disappointed. It's a lose-lose situation. They are actually doing the right thing by choosing not to continue. Is it sad? Definitely, because it truly is one of the best shows of post-BB era, maybe even the best if you ask some hardcore Mr. Robot fans (personally, I still rank BCS and Succession slightly higher). Maybe one day they'll watch it on their own with a more open mind and see what all of us see.

Camden Marr

i’m just stating my opinion. i personally believe a lot of people would want the reaction, but as i said in another comment on this video, im not 100% sure. i’ve seen it recommended to them many times though. and its a top 3 show of all time for me, so of course im gonna recommend it


As someone who watched a similar show (Person of Interest) and enjoyed it, for some reason I could not get into Mr. Robot. I personally stopped 15mins into the show when I first heard about it, but I made it past 2 episodes with you guys before giving up on it again. Hopefully you guys enjoy the next show!

Luke Hart

Wait why? You guys are watching Peaky Blinders and Ted Lasso multiple seasons and not Mr. Robot is crazy to me


Cool just lmk when it's official so I can peace out


I love Dark but I have some reservations that they could allow themselves to enjoy it after this

Jeff I.

Don't have an opinion on this show, but I think it'd be nice to reserve one show slot strictly for shorter shows that are only one or two seasons for more variety. I'd love to see them react to some shorter but great shows like Beef, Station Eleven, or Queen's Gambit that won't take them several months or a year to get through.

Eduardo Perez

I second Fargo. Different story each season provides variety and the story lines are so unique.

windextor89 .

Yes! I love Mr. Robot, I was so excited it was a show yall decided on. But yall absolutely dont enjoy it at all and thats fine. Idk who told yall there was a twist but whoever did that is probably the reason yall dont like it. because you were constantly looking for the twist. Lets move on to another show.


Killing Eve🤞

Chris Bruneau

the girls just weren't into it, AND THATS OK! Chad, I suggest a poll for new TV show, and also as a reminder, Severance, season 2 is coming January 17, 2025!!! :)

Chris Bruneau

Also, the team is doing five different TV series every week. perhaps, one night could be movie night?? what do the girls and my fellow patreons think about that idea??


Bojack Horseman!


Great first season then fell off a cliff. The finale was unironically disrespectful to the audience.


I was one of the people recommending Mr Robot so my recommendation-radar is skewed but Fargo S1 and S2 are really great television. S3 is decent, S4 is bad, and S5 is good again (just aired).


Blind Wave is on 3x5 on their patreon/subscription service, 4 weeks ahead of youtube. They watch 1 per week. LM Reactions have the definitive Mr Robot reaction, it's finished already - 30-60 min discussions and they were so into it.


As much as it pains to say because it's a top 5 show for me personally, this is the right decision. While I think the payoff would ultimately be worth it S2 cranks things to 11 and I think you'd find it really unenjoyable. At the very least this has made me reconsider what shows I recommend for what channels, I definitely think the channel should avoid anything that isnt super strong in character writing from the jump. I'm glad you're freeing up 2 slots a week for something you actually enjoy, maybe you could do 1-2 short shows instead of committing to another long show while you process 😊 Fargo S1 is 10 episodes, 5 weeks. Something like that. FYI - Blind Wave are on Mr Robot 3x5 on Patreon, new episodes drop on Sundays, 1 per week.


if the movie is longer than 90 mins its basically longer than 2 eps of most 45 min shows, so it's not an equal swap. I also think it's harder to lock in when reacting to a long movie as opposed to two episodes with breaks. It's harder to break up the schedule too (cant watch half a movie one day). And selfishly, I prefer TV lol

Mike Abe

What about Euphoria as an option? Only two seasons so far and they are planning on making a third in the future.

windextor89 .

or maybe keep going w/Maple. If she wanted to. couldnt really pinpoint if she was hating it or not.

Spencer Wattamaniuk (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-28 07:00:58 It's strange because I had more confidence recommending this show to the ladies over a lot of others, it just seemed like subject matter that'd click with them
2024-11-04 21:51:40 It's strange because I had more confidence recommending this show to the ladies over a lot of others, it just seemed like subject matter that'd click with them

It's strange because I had more confidence recommending this show to the ladies over a lot of others, it just seemed like subject matter that'd click with them

Spencer Wattamaniuk (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-28 07:00:58 I won't lie, it definitely hurts to see some of my favorite reactors dislike one of my favourite shows. I think it's for the best however that you're pulling the plug and not suffering through something you clearly don't enjoy because it wouldn't be enjoyable for the fans either.
2024-11-04 21:54:11 I won't lie, it definitely hurts to see some of my favorite reactors dislike one of my favourite shows. I think it's for the best however that you're pulling the plug and not suffering through something you clearly don't enjoy because it wouldn't be enjoyable for the fans either.

I won't lie, it definitely hurts to see some of my favorite reactors dislike one of my favourite shows. I think it's for the best however that you're pulling the plug and not suffering through something you clearly don't enjoy because it wouldn't be enjoyable for the fans either.


Eh. By the time S3 starts filming in January 2025 (if it even does) it'll have been 4 years since they filmed S2, mid-late twenties people playing teenagers lol. S2 had a lot of issues and I have zero confidence in Sam Levinson (showrunner) to follow up, especially with the stories that came out since then and the absolutely flop of The Idol.


euphoria season 3 realistically will release in 2050


not a show suggestion but i think a movie you guys would really like is hotel rwanda, great war movie


omg always sunny

Camden Marr

oh also another thing about AOT, if you choose to watch it the episodes are only like 24 minutes each. so it would help your schedule a lot


Pick AOT as a replacement and my life is yours /s


Unfortunate but understandable. I just want to add some things to the discussion. The anti-corporate narrative is not necessarily the point of the show, like someone else wrote at some point, "they literally call it evil corp". It's a bit on the nose. (I do not aim to spoil anything in case Maple decides to watch on, but:) That is not to say that the point of the show is that Evil Corp is actually Good Corp, however the show continually undermines its own surface level narratives with time, but sporadically also from the very beginning. Yes the show is surrealistic, beyond just the narrator, which gives rise to certain types of dialogue and behaviour, but it is more than that. The surface level hacker storyline never fully makes sense (yet). Tyrells actions never really fully make sense (yet, maybe ever). Like you touch on, his image of himself is incoherent, charading as an steel faced emotionless psychopath, but having a breakdown after killing someone. The shallow anti-capitalist Occupy wall street hacktivist aesthetic and politics never entirely makes sense (a movement which was in itself a failure, and long gone by the time of the show, as you know) But these are not contradictions or oversights in the writing. People believe incorrect things about the world and themselves, all people do probably. When the hacker crew thinks they are saving the world by doing something, and act as if they believe that, the show is not saying that that is the moral and material truth of the world because the protagonists are doing it. When Tyrell does a terrible crime and acts as if he is a master criminal, the show is not saying that the way he does the crime makes sense. As we see, he explicitly gets himself in the shit, almost right away. When we see Elliots conspiratorial brain ghost tell him that he should not take his meds because "they" want to keep him dozed off, the show is not saying that this in fact makes sense. I do not think that constitutes glorification. On the topic of Elliots mental health I cannot really say I agree with your assessment. 'Is this the way/place to have this conversation?' To that I would say, what conversation? The reason I do not think the show glorifies his whole mental situation is that the only thing he truly wants is normalcy and emotional intimacy. Practically the only person in his life who is/was an unconditionally positive influence is Krista, his psychiatrist who certainly has a de-romanticized view of his condition and makes a good case for it too. The more he pushes towards his romantic idea of saving the world, the further away he gets from what he wants, and finds himself in successively shittier situations, while also being worse to others. Even what he does find that could be redeeming he destroys. There is certainly a tortured genius fantasy at play, but the show also makes it clear that that is precisely what it is, a fantasy. At least insofar as showing that it is only really good for being tortured. And at the end of the day for what? Will wiping a financial database save the world? People do not relate to suffering because they think shitty situations are actually good, they relate to it because sometimes situations are actually shit. Obviously he needs help, but that isn't where he is, it's a journey to even get to the point where you realize you need it, it can be another to see that you deserve it, another to accept it. All this to say: No, the show did not win awards because it pandered shallowly to issues that happened to be popular or taboo at the time, i.e anti-corporate anarchism adjacent stuff, mental health, etc. Awards are meaningless in any case, but it won those because it had the depth to critically examine those things(and many other things in the following seasons) without fully embracing or rejecting them, or pretending that there was always an easy conclusion to get to. I am not going to pretend I know exactly what you think or why, there is enough of that going on. That said I appreciate the thoughts you gave on it, and that you are doing so on the spot with a camera in your face while we have the luxury of taking time to write, a rewind function, having seen the whole show, etc. And still a lot of comments manage to be implicitly or explicitly impolite, which is unfortunate. You certainly made me think a lot more about the show than any sycophantic reaction and review filled with appraisal would have, which I very much appreciate


I have a feeling based on their reaction is that the only pay off for them would be certain deaths and reveal about elliot's past and ending. They won't struggle through all of Mr Robot for that alone

Chief Doodle

Please watch “YOU”

TinCan Cosmanaut

Understandable. Don't slog through a show you arent enjoying. It's waste of their time its a waste of our time. They tried it for a full season. That very reasonable.


Dam I'm so depressed. When I saw that they were going to be reacting to Mr. Robot I got so excited and couldn't wait to see the girl's reactions to certain scenes. It was the whole reason I got Patreon and for them to stop and never see THE EPISODE I just can't believe it but you can't force someone to watch and like something that they don't I just hate that their opinions of this show will always be negative when I think if they saw the whole series then it would be totally different but it is what it is. To all Mr. Robot fans, Goodbye Friend...


LM Reactions is THE BEST reaction Channel when it comes to Mr. Robot. They are two lovely girls who are deeply invested into the show and they have already completed the series.


Thank you for your input, I agree with almost everything you said, but especially this part: "But these are not contradictions or oversights in the writing." So many times this season the girls would sarcastically criticize the writing and I'd roll my eyes thinking: "no, all of these things you're criticizing actually make PERFECT sense, just not YET". This has been my biggest pet peeve about how they go about judging the show: for some reason they are just not willing to accept that the perceived "flaws" of characters, dialogue, plot points e.t.c. aren't actually flaws, they are what "MAKE" the show what it is (those who've seen all 4 seasons probably understand the reference I'm making when I say that). And instead of trying to solve the puzzle of "Who and What is Elliott really?" they just dismiss it completely. Also, this: "Obviously he needs help, but that isn't where he is, it's a journey to even get to the point where you realize you need it, it can be another to see that you deserve it, another to accept it." is a very good point as well. They only know Elliott from what he (an unreliable narrator) has told us, and from his limited interactions with other people. They don't actually know his background and his "origins", sort of speak, and for some reason they don't find him compelling enough to have the curiosity to find out. Which, to me, is so strange, because personally I found Elliott incredibly compelling from the very first minutes of the pilot, literally. Their refusal to give the show the benefit of the doubt and just accept it for what it is, and try to make sense of the things they know so far and not dwell too much on the things they don't know or don't like is, essentially, as good as "anti-reacting". They don't enjoy it, and neither do we. And I'm glad they are stopping now for everyone's sake but, my God, I hope they don't do this with any of the future shows they react to, because it's exhausting. I've been following this channel for a couple of years now now, and although I've sometimes found myself disagreeing with some of their reactions, I generally really enjoyed watching and interacting with them. But the last 4-5 months with Season 5 Breaking Bad reactions and now Mr. Robot it has been going downhill, and I'm fearful it might happen to Better Call Saul reactions as well in later seasons. I love this channel, but maybe it's time to say "Goodbye, Friend".

Jonas Buckner

If Arianna's problem with this show is unrealistic portrayal of mental illness, I really don't think she'll enjoy YOU.




Station Eleven was so good lol. Criminally underrated


Yeah, it's made me rethink a lot of things. There are more good shows I wouldn't recommend now like Dark, or The Leftovers.

Chris Thompson

Uhm, do you really want Arianna’s brain to implode, explode, do five somersaults and 7 cartwheels at the same time while eating itself and doing a jig to Gettin’ jiggy wit’ it?? If Chuck makes her upchuck, those characters will not leave her in a state of euphoria- not a brave take I’ll grant you, but I have eyes.


I couldn't agree more. Their reactions have turned incredibly personal and hyper critical of the shows they have been watching. Even shows like breaking bad which is widely considered one of the best TV shows made was overly criticized the the whole time. Most of the time they get so fired up over the most mundane details they are missing half of what's going on in the show and then complain when they don't know what's going on. They are always criticizing the reality of the situation or character which is very weird to me since tv and movies are not real life.

f hf

Have yall seen Mindhunter?

Zane Platt

I struggled with Mr Robot as well but for mostly different reasons. I watched two seasons but I fell off with it as it became more and more convoluted. Some shows I could see them enjoying are Fargo (season 1 at the very least), Spy x Family, Shrinking (would fill the Ted Lasso void), The Americans (for me, it is a similar style of show to Breaking Bad and True Detective). A sneaky show that is incredible and makes sense for reaction content would be Mr Inbetween (it only has three seasons and episodes are only 30 minutes long)

Zane Platt

I want to watch perso nof interest so bad but it is on zero streaming services here in Australia. I couldn't get into Mr Robot either. I gave it two seasons and left because it became to over the top for me.

Zane Platt

I like shows that twist expectations and play with structure but Mr Robot has a lot of flaws. A lot of the characters aren't very interesting, it gets increasingly convoluted, the writing lacks nuance etc. Also, using Breaking Bad as an example doesn't work entirely because they still loved that show and are loving Better Call Saul.

orlanmop _

I think the vibes went downhill when they figured out there was going to be a twist. It felt like they thought the show was trying to be so smart and trick you, but it's really more the clues were meant to be there and connected because even the writer knew people would pick up on the Fight Club aspect. So not trying to one-up the viewer, but reward for noticing the weirdness and asking questions. edit: Coming here after watching LM reactions, they too were frustrated by the pace and weirdness and were also getting annoyed the twist wasn't happening fast enough. Difference here it feels they had the same feelings but entered each episode with a negative view of the writing. If y'all haven't seen, LM made it to the end and enjoyed the show.


I'd love the Sopranos personally but man... you think they hated Walt IMAGINE how they'll react to some of the characters on that show haha. I'll watch whatever you two, don't think you have to pick something just for us!


Wow dude, I wish I had an ounce of subtetly and intelligence to be able to put my thoughts and criticism as politely as you did. That even make me think a little about my own life even though I watched the whole show and could've thought from those perspectives too. @Cv07 - "They are always criticizing the reality of the situation or character which is very weird to me since tv and movies are not real life. " - For me, the only time I impose my own experience onto a specific character is if I've been through something similar. If not, I try to put myself in the character's shoes and understand their actions while giving the show creators the benefit of guiding the journey—and I take my hands off the steering wheel.


Like the girls didn't like Mr. Robot because it is an intentional parody and has some goofy writing for gang members, imagine the cringe of an unfiltered anime lol

Jeff I.

Kara, I agree with that phrase. It came out with very little promotion from HBO, so it flew under the mainstream radar but still managed to be nominated for a lot of awards and get a ton of good reviews from critics. The acting, the writing, the pacing, and how it weaves two different timelines is all so amazing.


Funny, I started watching this show when it became clear y'all were gonna react to it. Made it to the end of season 1 and planned on continuing at some point but I haven't really been invested enough. And I haven't seen any of your reactions yet but I planned on getting into them once I was further ahead in the show myself. But it seems like we kind of had the same feelings. It was so weird that the twist wasn't happening sooner because it was sooo obvious. Like I didn't know if the show was expecting me to already know it because it was so obvious or if it really thought the viewers were that dumb. I kept watching it, not knowing what the show was expecting me to know or think. Very odd way of doing it that totally distracted me in my viewing experience. Normally, when these shows mess up a twist like that, it's kind of the opposite, where they don't give you enough foreshadowing and then the twist doesn't feel earned (looking at you, all of Westworld from season 2 onwards). But then at least, you truly don't expect it and aren't constantly waiting for it to be revealed. That being said, if it was only that choice that I struggled with in this show, I probably wouldn't have minded continuing on because I assume the twist is one and done, you can't really keep pulling out twists like that in further seasons. But I also struggled with the general pace of the show, not really sympathizing with any of the main characters and generally groaning throughout the over-the-top, wannabe-artsy-and-deep monologues from Elliot. It was also becoming annoying that 99% of Elliot's issues were starting to just be that he didn't tell anyone anything, including his sister. I get it, he has social anxiety and extreme paranoia, that's the whole point, but still, from a show-writing perspective, it feels like the conflict is really artificial if it could just be resolved with an open conversation; a lot of shows fall into that trap and it's a stupid plot contrivance every time. And I don't really see these issues resolving in future seasons if they don't fundamentally change the vibe of the show which I would be surprised if they did.


Fargo is also good because of the anthology structure; if you don't feel like continuing after one season, it's okay, the story is done. And you could take long breaks between seasons if you want, starting up again with another season whenever you feel like it.


Oh please don't tell me you're paying for LM's Patreon, it's terrible. I was a Patron for a month with them and I'm never going back. So many old full-length reactions just have dead links and they're not responding at all to any questions. Also you'd think they could invest in a better setup seeing the numbers they're raking in, they often miss so much in shows because they have such a shitty, small TV and don't use headphones.


The twist wasn't as obvious when it aired in 2015, people were 50:50 on it. You can re-read the old reddit episode discussions and see speculation both ways. And nobody guessed "darlene is his sister". I'm not saying you should watch the show but while the vibe doesn't hugely change (Elliot internal monologues continue, it gets more ambitious/cinematic with style and scope) a lot of the things you touched on are explained / justified in a satisfying way by the end. There's a reason people like me rank it alongside BCS, Mad Men, The Leftovers etc, it's not just that we like when hackerman says "i hack people" haha.


I've said this before but I strongly feel it's not time to start The Sopranos, its locking in for 43 weeks (86 eps) of a show where they are gonna HATE half the main characters and the audience is not gonna be normal about it. Like we all need to set some ground rules before 1x1 lmao, they need a breather between Game of Thrones, Mr Robot flop, Breaking Bad S5 still fresh etc.


LM Patreon is goated. terrible schedule and dead links is just part of the "aesthetic" (only half joking). nobody else is doing 90 min long discussions lol, its fire.


Ultimately a person isn't defective or incorrect just because they are not able to enjoy something, any more than a show is defective because some people cannot enjoy it. Some times you are just uniquely unsuited to enjoy a show. For example I have tried to watch Breaking Bad probably 4 times in my life, I never get further than Season 3. It doesn't even piss me off or anything, I just lose interest. Not a problem with BCS, just BB. It's obviously a good show with a lot of depth. But I just don't feel it, for whatever reason, I don't even know why. Everybody quits shows, books, etc. Sometimes they just ask for an investment we don't want to make at the time.


I think Good Place is the natural successor to Ted Lasso. Seemed like #2 place.


there's a really good video essay you might enjoy - "I watched breaking bad after better call saul". the person seems like they're in the same position of you and analyze BB through a post-BCS lens.


I like the show a lot but they wouldn't make it past season 1.


Well I didn't think Darlene was his sister, true enough, just as I didn't know that Mr. Robot was a manifestation of his father. I just knew that there was some kind of Fight Club situation going on. But as to Darlene, one, I did think there was something going on with her because she seemed the only one, except for Elliot himself, to acknowledge the existence of Mr. Robot, so I thought that there must be something going on, and two, the fact that she IS his sister, actually WAS one of those unearned twists in my opinion xD like where did that come from? We had no foreshadowing whatsoever to that, and no matter what's going on with your mental health, it really is a stretch to believe that Elliot "just forgot" he had a sister and what she looked like. The fact that Darlene didn't notice until the kiss that Elliot was treating her as a stranger is also kind of odd (though on the edge of believability, I admit, given Elliot's character). And as to Mr. Robot, obviously the internet is always going to debate, but come on. I'm not saying there aren't people out there who are either dumb or are just wilfully saying the opposite just to be contrarians (looking at you, R+L=J deniers, iykyk, and if you don't, don't spoil yourself for GoT) but I think any halfway intelligent person versed in television and tropes must have seen that particular twist coming... And that could actually be fine, if they acknowledged it earlier; they could have had the reveal for the audience before Elliot himself realized what was going on. Then at least it wouldn't have felt so awkward that they kept stringing us along with this... But yeah, who knows, I might continue with season 2 at some point. I tend not to give up too early on shows if people insist that it gets better, I hate it when people just watch 2 episodes or something, aren't immediately hooked, and then just think "mehh, I shouldn't have to force myself to watch it, meh". Sometimes good art DOES take work and time. That's what makes it different from pure, dumb entertainment. So yeah, we'll see, but the fact that the girls won't continue with this show has definitely dampened my spirits as well.


Yeah! My HOT take is that it's better than The Last of Us lol. I enjoyed it a lot more at the very least.


I think your concerns are valid btw. I think a lot of the people who were like "no you dont get it the TWIST will change everything! the end of the show makes EVERYTHING amazing!" are ruining the show a bit by setting unrealistic expectations. it's much better if you watch it as a mid 2010s hacker vibe stylish show that tells a great story with a great payoff but dont have those expectations. that being said, its really hard to discuss the show like this having seen it, for the same reason its tough talking about early Game of Thrones in those discussions knowing where things go etc. I can't really explain or add more, anything I say compromises the show lmao. If you do end up watching the rest I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

Jeff I.

Yeah, it's much better overall than TLOU to me, considering they're going for different styles of post-apocalyptic shows but share a lot of the same themes. TLOU did wonderfully with set design, music, and Pedro Pascal is great as Joel. However, and this might be my hot take, Bella Ramsey is a terrible actress and almost ruined the show for me. With a better actress as Ellie, the show would have been an 8/10 but it was ultimately a 6/10 for me.


Anime isn't really part of their identity though. They have done a bit of that with FMAB but haven't really built their audience around it. Not to say they couldn't start doing it. But just speaking for myself, I wouldn't be a Patron if they really started doing a lot of anime instead of other things. Because I'm not here for anime and the same probably goes for a lot of others. It's hard once you've locked into an audience to shift too hard in another direction because you're maybe gonna lose your core audience and it takes time to build up another (if you even want to do that).

Trevor Go

Based on the current list of shows I’m gonna throw Sneaky Pete out there. Don’t think Ive seen it mentioned. A comedic crime drama that i think will be a nice change up from all the “heavy” shows you guys are watching now.

Camden Marr

we aren’t asking them to become an anime only reaction channel, we’re just recommending an incredible show to them. you can watch an anime and also watch other shows too

Jonas Buckner

'and no matter what's going on with your mental health, it really is a stretch to believe that Elliot "just forgot" he had a sister and what she looked like' One of the symptoms of DID is significant amnesia. It is perfectly plausible not to recognize someone you've known for your whole life, and some sufferers of DID have said this one of their favorite portrayals for its realism. It's not perfectly real, since nothing dramatized is, but I think people are just unfamiliar with the condition.

Jonas Buckner

Honesty, I was starting to enjoy watching Arianna get so angry after every episode. I'll miss that. Hopefully Maple will go on and enjoy it more.

Chris Thompson

All this talk of Maple continuing on her own - love her, but TV’s for Two here in Diegesis Town. And as for all this complaining about how Arianna responds to shows, I really don’t get it. This is how she reacts to certain aspects of TV shows, we all know this; her triggers, her takes, and yet here we all still are, paying prime Patreon bucks to watch her and yet so many of you still complain??? Do you want her to take a deep breath when someone acts like a twat and be all like, “nope, I’m gonna change my entire being and just not respond and be someone else because some guys tell me I’m doing this wrong”? I think you guys are the ones doing this whole Reaction thing wrong.

Zane Platt

I LOVE the Good Place so I will not be disappointed if that is the case 🙂

Jonas Buckner

Yeah, I subscribed just this month, and I thought their patrons were going to be nicer to them than randos on YT. Turns out not so much. That said, I'm going to be one of them. I want her to react negatively when someone is twat on a show. That's what we're here for, but the whole point of fiction is to experience the full range of emotions without letting that negativity into your real life. When she's done with an episode of this or BB, she seems angry not at the characters but at the show that made her feel a certain way. Being annoyed at how Angela and Darlene respond to Elliot's DID is one thing. That's good reaction content. Being annoyed that the show doesn't make Angela and Darlene great advocates for how a perfect ally is supposed to respond to a person with DID is just nitpicky and isn't really giving the narrative a chance. And I get that it's different for her because she is being forced by financial incentive to watch to these shows, and it's much easier to get angry at something when it's an obligation, but it's still frustrating for the viewer when she starts picking the show apart for the tiniest perceived flaws because she's mad at how it made her feel. And I know she's coming at it from a certain expertise in addiction and mental health, so I can sympathize with the fact that it's dramatized and not perfect, it's still better than most shows that represent DID with paranoia, so it seems like she's letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Zane Platt

I feel like The Soprano's is not going to be a show that they enjoy as much as people think as well. I personally don't care for it as I struggle with stuff where everyone is unlikeable (Succession, The Sopranos etc).

Chris Thompson

Tell you the truth I’ve only watched one episode of Mr Robot and one of their reactions, so I’m not really sure what you’re talking about or what DID is. I just enjoyed her losing it over Chuck in BCS S2 finale.


Yeah I'm the same way and it's the reason I never got into Succession. I understand that the point is that you hate all the characters but I don't get how anyone wants to watch it then. I guess because people still empathize even though they're assholes but I just kept thinking "who tf cares about your small ego dramas, you're still billionaires". But the girls loved it so who am I to say.


@Kara well I guess if you're really there for the long discussions. I actually like Diegesis because they don't overdo it xD like the girls from LM are smart and all but still, I have no interest in listening to anyone discuss one episode of television for that amount of time xD


We are asking for one anime show bro its not that deep. And we are not asking for like our favorite or something this is literally the anime of all time. This is basically better call saul level of quality in anime with amazing action and plot twist. An undisputed classic and something that every non anime watcher like myself should watch at some point in their life. Also it has really easy entry point. Because not only it has rich evolving story engaging character arcs and amazing action.


valid but i could listen to them yap passionately about anything


Succession is definitely a show that gets better with each season

Woz Lee

I was surprised this made the cut in the first place. Season 2 was infuriating, more of the same weird meandering, with the big twist being that the reason everything was so weirdly paced, disjointed and boring, was because we were witnessing delusions, to cover up what would have been an infinitely more interesting plot and setting. I was kind of looking forward to the suffering, but there are so many great shows and legit classics that people would love to see. The Wire, Sopranos, The Night Of, Fargo, Silo.. there's that HBO Dune show coming up. Oh also, Mr Inbetween, just started watching it and I can't stop.


I'm the "evil corp comment" guy. I just knew that they weren't going to enjoy the show because they, even since BB, start to focus on small little aspects of the show that are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and ruin it for themselves. But beyond that, I've seen people bash this show for being a "Fight Club ripoff", as if the writers weren't transparent enough about that since the very first minutes. I jumped into it when season 3 was airing, knowing well that there was gonna be a Tyler Durden moment, and got hooked in at the Darlene twist. At that point I knew for sure that this show was THE show, that everything we see is just a fraction of what's happening in the Mr Robot universe and that piece by piece I was gonna find out about everything. Instead most people focus on useless things like how the bad guys are speaking in a videogame language. Ofcourse they are, they are the conceptualization of how Elliot sees bad guys, the same as to how he sees E(vil) Corp. I don't get it how people don't realize that we are in the protagonist's head and we see the world through his eyes. Thank god they won't go through with season 2, I could already see them having a terrible time, reaching the twist and not enjoying it because they would have been busy bashing the "Leon and the neo-nazi" scene that was too unrealistic and that people don't act that way in the real world. It's definitely not a show for everyone and that's that...

Adam Barker

Critiquing the show itself is part of reacting. You can’t expect people to only critique the characters and not the show itself. “I love how they did this” is ok, but “I don’t like how they did this” isn’t ok?


Im hoping you watch the master piece of season 3

Owen Kosik

I can understand wanting to watch an anime but I draw the line at watching people react to subs, if I wanted to read the show I'd pick up the manga. Unless you actually speak Japanese it is not as good as a dub 100% of the time. Overacting and weird femme voices for male characters make it unwatchable.

Camden Marr

I understand where you're coming from but I completely disagree. with the original voice acting the translations are more accurate. I also feel like there is much more effort put into the sub. dub can be cringe at times in my opinion. I don't speak Japanese, but I love sub much more because of the level of effort put into it. sure there are some incredible dub moments, some that are even better than the sub imo, but overall I feel like sub is a better experience. in the end what it comes down to is personal preference though. sub vs dub is a big debate in anime and it always will be. dub would most certainly make a reaction easier, so I suspect that if they watch the show that's what they will choose.