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Better Call Saul 4x4 Watch Along


Chris Bruneau

first; yes, girls, the twins are literally monsters--and it took a bad-ass like Hank to take them down, this episode shows just how good he really was! second, the Verdict is an awesome movie and when I watched it as a teenager, it peaked my interest into becoming a lawyer someday--u both should watch it, its a fantastic film!


I've seen a lot of comments about the Salamanca twins being the one unrealistic aspect of the B.B/BCS and I never really understood it. Nothing about the drug/crime business is normal. It's definitely realistic to have a pair of twins who think they are John Wick and have made a vow of silence. We see how Walt operates trying to feel cool, playing his whole schtick like it's an action movie. He wears a hat and glasses as his disguise ffs. It's not out of the realm of possibilities for the twins to actually exist irl in one form or the other. We already know about those creepy twins awhile back who didn't speak to people and created their own language. Unless you're actually a part of the crime world (which I assume most people aren't) you won't understand the inner makings of what constitutes a criminal. I for one think the twins are cool and badazz, and given their history with Hector it's understandable how ruthless and cold they can be, even till death.


Haha Maple, "easy listening" is like actually the name of the genre, it's not just describing what it is ^^ I mean it is, but like that's just what you actually call it, it's a fairly well-defined genre of music with its own history and influences. And with Gale, it's probably best not to think about his age ^^' it's always tricky when you have to cast actors in a prequel when they're older than they were but have to play younger characters. Jimmy kind of works because the actor lost a lot of weight and in BB, Saul had that kind of comb-over to make him seem more sleazy but it also worked to make him seem older. But Mike is already something of a stretch because his actor seems to have aged a lot since Breaking Bad. And Gale's actor was already quite a bit older than his character was supposed to be in BB, like around 40 when the character was early thirties. Now the actor is like 50 and he's supposed to play someone who's like late twenties xD it just doesn't work.

Joshua Luzania

Kim is my favorite character in the show. I just feel for her a lot, and Rhea Seahorn just kills every scene she is in.


Mike took his fake job too seriously.


"Give him a doctor or it'll be eternal rest" 😆 you are so funny!

Demented Avenger

Aren't the twins actual ex-cartel? Perhaps they know what it's like being the cartel?

Joe Blankenship

Mike doesn't have time for all the cartel theatrics. Certainly didn't have time for Walter White's bullshit.

Joe Blankenship

Yeah, if they had done a spinoff with Kim in a straight lawyer show, I would've been down.

james repka

Gale is still played by David Costabile. I recognize him because he also played the managing editor of the Sun newspaper in season 5 of the Wire. Also Maple, the song he's singing is called The Elements, song by Tom Lehrer. Lehrer was a lecturer in mathematics at Harvard and MIT but became widely popular by writing and performing song parodies in the late 1950s through the early 60s. The Elements is commonly heard in college science classes to this day. Among his other well-known songs is Poisoning Pigeons in the Park and The Masochism Tango.

Adam Barker

No, but some sources say they were “engaged in gang street crime” in LA, and other sources say it was just Marco’s actor.