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In 2020, a very dumb person had what they thought was a brilliant money-making idea-- late '00 Buzzfeed-style lists in the form of books written in several minutes in a language they didn't speak! That person was 1900🌭 favorite, Mario Corelli, author of 101 THINGS TO MAKE HER WET! And it worked! I gave him $6.99 for 101 THINGS FOUND IN THE HUMAN BODY: STORIES REALLY HAPPENED EVERYONE HAS GONE ALIVE.

On the cover, Mario chose to print his name in white ink on a white background, demonstrating the kind of incompetence that goes beyond mere stupidity. You don't think, "nice try" when you read a Mario Corelli book. You think, "haha this dumbass Atari 2600 is trying to come to life."

The first page of this medical oddities book is a botched sales pitch and the next one is the words, "SCISSORS IN THE ARM." That's it! The whole book is that-- the names of objects with no context or citation. I'm not saying Mario is lying. This might be a real transcription of a Google search he made, and someone, somewhere, presumably got stabbed in the arm with scissors. I'm saying this is the upper limit on how bad you can be at writing a book. If I held a pair of scissors over my arm and stabbed myself every time someone wrote a worse book than this, my biography would be called THE MAN WITH THE 101 SAFEST BODY PARTS and every page would say "ARM."

Whoa, doctors found a ROD FROM FENCING IN THE TORSO? That honestly seems like it would be among the most common fencing accidents. This is going to sound like Mario Corelli's sex book, but after thousands of stab attempts over the course of many years, it had to have eventually worked, right? This is like being amazed that Shaquille O'Neal's penis got stuck in an airplane toilet. It was only a matter of time, you fu-- hey, you know what? I don't think running this book through my scanner is properly capturing the majesty of Mario's incompetence. Let me see what I can do in Photoshop.

That's better. Ridiculous, amateurish, and ambitious far beyond the creator's means. These are visuals befitting Mario Corelli's catastrophic yet museum-quality idiocy.

It is only page 7 and I have no goddamn idea what Mario is talking about. SPIKE FROM THE MALE CHEST? Was someone hospitalized battling a porcupine? Was this exploding man shrapnel? This is such terrible storytelling. Imagine being at a party where someone says, "My buddy is an x-ray tech and he sees all the crazy shit people put in their bodies. Oh, here he is right now. Dude, you need to tell them the story of the guy with the thing? It's nuts, wait 'til you hear this." And then his friend says, "SPIKE FROM THE MALE CHEST," and leaves. That's more than a bad story. It's more like random gas escaping a dead body. I think someone at that party is doing some kind of Weekend at Bernie's Thing. Fun!

So there were multiple teenagers with paper clips in their jaws? Were they piercings? Did they all go down on the same office supply manager? Was their father a stapler? Wait, he only said one paper clip. Was it one big paper clip, and these kids were all hung up on it like fish? Because the police never made those details public. Keep your hands where I can see them. How do you know the victims were found hanging from a giant paper clip, Mario Corelli?

"You will never believe the patient I had! They swallowed a watch battery!"

"Wow! I had a guy come into the ER last week who got hit by an artillery missile."

"Um, do you mean an alretry missile?"

"Yeah, y-yes. Alretry. That's what I said."

Imagine you were the mayor of a small town welcoming TV's Kevin Sorbo to your local pickle festival. You reach out to shake his hand and just start projectile-shitting your pants. It's blowing out the top of your waistband and the bottom of both your legs while you cry, and at the same time you open your phone to accidentally show him pictures of yourself burying the body of your missing wife. You scream, "Fucking do something, Lorenzo Lamas!" Well if that happens, Kevin Sorbo can now say, "This is almost as bad as the time Mario Corelli was trying to communicate a medical miracle of survival and all he typed was "CEMENT."

Like a lot of these stabbing implements, I think I know how a KITCHEN KNIFE could get into the human body, but how did the HINGE get in there? Did someone fuck a door? Eat a door? We should also consider Mario thinks HINGE is the English word for something else, like "dildo" or "sandwich." In fact, he might have thought HINGE meant "kitchen knife" before immediately forgetting about it and doing another kitchen knife one. At this high-end level of stupid, nothing is impossible.

See? Do you see!?

The last three stories in this book have been HINGE, KITCHEN KNIFE, and HINGE. Fuck the idea of this being bad for a professional author. If your horse was this dumb you'd shoot it.

So someone got naked and stuffed their own clothes up their ass? That's not so strange. That's how TV's Kevin Sorbo would deal with the situation if you started violently shitting yourself.

Mario Corelli might be the most uniquely stupid person alive. He somehow knows what INTESTINES are, but not where they come from or how fascinating it might be to find some inside a human body. I don't have a cute joke for this-- it's truly deranged in a way too slippery for me to understand. It's like declaring yourself the guitar of Ohio. The fuck you are! You'll never be!

This was from a botched gender reveal party where the parents ate the fireworks and revealed their baby was a ladder.

Sure, tractor forks sound pretty serious, but what is Mario talking about with THIRD HAND? Is he counting the two the victim already had, or do they have three hands in their body cavity but only the third one is medically dangerous or noteworthy? There weren't two other entries for human hands earlier in the book. Wait, unless he thinks HINGE means "human hand?" That's probably it.

Hahaha Mario is just putting together sounds and hoping they mean something in our language. "PERINEUM FOOT! CHEESEBURGER WRENCH!" What the shit is a DOOR HEATER? Does he mean a house fire? Hold on, wait. Does he think he's listing Home Alone traps?

"These X-rays are alarming!"

"What is it, doc? What did you find?"

"You already know, you coward. You bitch ass failure. Don't make me say it."

"Please... I don't understand, doctor. Tell me."


That sounds terrifying, but at the risk of making light of someone's head-amount of cancer, where else did Mario expect them to find it? Like, let's take a step back and remind ourselves this is a book about doctors finding astounding things inside the human body to "DISCUSS FOR HOURS" and this motherfucker wrote "a whole bunch of cancer" with no further details.

Oh, I get what happened here. Finally, Mario manages to tell a coherent story.

Wait a second. I think these two pages are also telling a story.

"Can you get the tree trunk out of me, doctor?"

"Doctor? Buddy, I'm not a doctor. I'm a carpenter. I have no idea how to get that tree out of you. But you know what? Hold still and let me see what I can do."

60 KILOGRAM BELLY? Is Mario just talking about someone with a big belly? Or someone who sat way too hard on someone's big belly? And isn't being inside a human body the natural state of a surgical suture? I think Mario might have mixed up his "objects found in body" notes with his "stomach stapling surgery" notes, but again, these words could be his way of saying "pizza" and "door heater."

With a gulp, you are thrown down a slippery dark tube. You land with a splash and find yourself trapped within grotesque, wet walls. You see a CHISEL and a UNICYCLE.

If you start chiseling through the lining of what must be the stomach, turn to page 58.

If you ride the unicycle, turn to page 59.

Page 58

Your new chisel ruptures something squirty and important. A pained groan echoes all around you. A surge of fluids flushes you into the intestines. "Wait, what are intestines doing in here!?" you think, before then thinking, "My only hope is to follow them to the butthole." After a journey that feels like weeks you find the exit blocked. The man who swallowed you also got a BOTTLE stuck up his ass. YOU ARE DEAD.

Page 59

Fuck it. You decide to spend your final moments on a unicycle. You pedal into the next chamber and find BOWLING! There's bowling inside this guy! He had bowling inside him all along! YOU WIN.

Mario Corelli has been sitting on the story of doctors discovering a tiny creature piloting a human body for 66 pages! Amazing! Or maybe someone's dick broke off in a flight attendant! Still amazing!

There was a time when I would see "SHEPHERDESS" and think, "What could that mean!? Did someone jam a Bo Peep doll up their dick hole? Was there some kind of nightmarish mixup at the lamb chop packing factory?" Now I see it and it's almost a comfort. Like a senile grandparent retelling the same wrong details in an old story. Let's let Mario Corelli's incoherent idiocy wash over us.

Yeah, "LARVA OF FLIES" and  "20 COIN." Maybe doctors found maggots and about three dollars inside some guy, or maybe this is the first book written entirely during a taser attack. The joy is in the mystery of it.

Sure. "PLUG. SEVERAL PLASTIC CAPS." Random words you may or may not understand with no details. You're doing a great job, Mario.

Okay, CHOPPING BOARD. Why not. Wait, what? GOLDEN TOOTH IN A BAG? That's not random nonsense. These doctors are dissecting a fucking leprechaun.


This article is brought to you by our fine sponsor and Hot Dog Supreme, John McCammon: GIRAFFE IN MALE FOOT.



well i actually do sometimes like to pretend in my head like i'm the mayor of my town here and maybe I kind of get to be like the king of the county fair (not pickle festival though that's way over in bancroft) and the hypnotist finally picks me (which never happens in real life even though i raise my hand real hard every year) and makes me sing poor little fool (which in my mind i'm not hypnotized for real but I sing it anyway that way its not showing off) and that's how the whole town finds out I actually sing really nice

Jeff Orasky

I didn't realize Mario was going to grace us with his presence again. This is fantastic. He is somehow even worse at his job than Godek. I now eagerly look forward to future door heaters. Generally pubic mound. Hinge.

Steven Carlson

Plot twist: all these items were found inside ONE man!


Clearly INTESTINES was from the same man-shrapnel incident as SPIKE FROM THE MALE CHEST

Bill D

I wonder if Topper Goodmeadow was this guy's editor

Stephanie Reinheimer

What kind of utopic goddamn Shangri-La does Mario come from, where he thinks finding a bullet shard inside a human body is so notable as to be published? In a book for the American market to discuss “for hours”, no less? Look, Mario, bud. This is a land where our politicians respond to mass shootings with legislation to remove gun controls. We see videos of people getting hurt using shit like aerosols, fire and dumpsters on the internet, and think, “I, too, will perform this, but aim for my face and head.” We’re violent, we’re stupid, and see that violent stupidity as a mark of admirable patriotism. Telling me that someone has had a bullet shard removed is like telling me they’ve had their wisdom teeth pulled. Just tell me what’s gone in their butt.

Dan B

I had to reload the website several times just to get all the images to load. Can only assume everyone was as excited as me to take in more Mario and the poor site did it's best to provide for all the traffic (congrats on the success if that's the case). That or my browser was trying to protect me from taking in too much HINGE at once.


Who among us hasn't been shocked to learn they had intestines. I remember where I was at the time. I was 5, and in school, and the teacher told us we all have things INSIDE OUR BODIES. From the ages of 0-4.9 I thought it was skin all the way down.

El Guapo

If a movie was made about the writing of this book starring Nic Cage it would be called “Captain Corelli’s 101 Bitchin’ Things Found in Body” and would finally be the vehicle he’d been looking for since Con Air


So a Venflon is the small plastic tube used to hook a person up to an IV, and not a land filled with harp seals small enough to fit in the human body. Thanks for getting my hopes up, Mario, you fucking dream-crusher.

Max Rockatansky

This book could simply be titled "101 Things Found In A Butt" because the ol' poop chute is the human body's standard entry point for foreign objects.

Flippant Sausage

Somehow this started a transition to making fun of Kevin Sorbo and it awakened within me a great hunger for more mocking of Kevin Sorbo. And also hotdogs, but that is a baseline existence dark hunger.

Dean Costello

You are selling our political leadership short, as you have completely neglecting their massive and unrelenting "Thoughts and Prayers" initiatives to stop gun violence, and you should accordingly be ashamed of yourself.

Dean Costello

You take back what you said about the Atari 2600, you goddamned monster!

Mike Metzler

Say what you will, but Mario is batting 1000 on NaNoWriMo.

Chris “Ace” Hendrix

Catasrophic yet museum-quality stupidity is fucking gold. Also: yes. Fuck Kevin Sorbo.


101 things found in the huma-100 things found in th-101 things found-100 things fo-101 things-100 thi-101 thi-

Matthew Harris

My best guess of what is going on here is this is a scam to make a quick buck. Produce a book that is just a list of random words, list it online on amazon with some keywords that suggest it would be some type of novelty/joke book, and hope that at least a few people will buy it sight unseen. If someone manages to sell 1000 of these at 6 bucks each to random amazon shoppers, at 6 dollars each, they have made probably 5000 dollars profit.

Michael Doucet

I laughed so hard I got a headache, thank you for bringing this to our attention.


And yet somehow, amid all this chaos, the worst thing is that the page numbers are pushed to the right margin on every page, rather than alternating left and right like a normal goddamn book. Being unreadable isn't enough. It has to be impossible to even look at.

Pablo Rodriguez

I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe this is anything but satire. I mean, I guess Mario could have simply been one of those dumbasses who believes being random is hilarious. Maybe he even followed the "How to be random" WikiHow tutorial, and published this with the expectations of being the next big thing, but I think there's also a big chance that he published these books with the express goal of getting Seanbaby to look at them.

Captain Steve

This is the story of a time long ago – a time of myth and legend. When the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering, only one man dared to challenge their power – Hercules. Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen – a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart. He journeyed the Earth – battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods. But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.


How come the images of Kevin Sorbo spouting strings of nonsense are the LEAST weird and inexplicable part of this article?


Pretty nuts that you guys were able to get Kevin Sorbo to say his usual brand of nonsense for some soundbites.

Kevin Hanlon

I'm late to this thread, but I'd like to make two observations: One, this "book" is not so much a grift as it is money laundering, very likely for something terribly nefarious.

Kevin Hanlon

Two, The cultural artifacts reviewed on this site often indicate something darker behind the question, WHY? I feel that Seanbaby, Brockway, Lydia Bugg and other contributors are starting investigations that, followed up, would reveal actual criminal behavior. Put another way, if the FBI is not subscribing to 1900HOTDOG, it is not doing its job.


I hear Sorbo makes a living dressing up as a depressing clown at kids' birthday parties. The rumor is that he draws the line at ambiguous-gender mime outfits, though.

Tad Williams

I don't think they're laundering money. I think someone's laundering intestines and shepherdesses through human bodies. "Take that, John Law!" says the world's leading smuggler of human offal and quaintly-dressed animal caretakers. "And there are intestines inside the shepherdess too! Got you twice!"

Ben Maxwell

"Door heater the windbreaker ball. I'm Kyle." - Kevin Sorbo This had me in tears.