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 New Moon

The New Moon is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. You can barely see this moon at all, because it can look as it is black in the night sky. You can focus on shadow work during the New Moon. Shadow work is when you work on your darker self and anything that you are keeping hidden. Do you have any part of you which you have not acknowledged? Can you sometimes be manipulative of others or deceitful? Explore the darker side of yourself and learn how you can make these attributes beneficial and positive. Practice writing your thoughts down on paper to get all of your emotions and feelings out.

New Moons are also when you want to set new intentions. Do you have any goals in mind? Is there anything you want to start anew? This is especially good for new beginnings in love, but you know that means you need to release the past in order for something new.

What is a spell to try for the New Moon?

  • You could try a salt cleansing bath! Salt is very cleansing which is great for when you want to start a clean slate. Add some sea salt, bath salts, essential oils and whatever else you'd like to add. Put on the Witchy Feels Spotify Playlist or check out the other meditative playlists I've made. Line the edge of the bathtub with candles and crystals to increase the relaxing ambiance. Visualize all of the negativity washing away while you start a clean slate.

 Waxing Crescent

The Waxing Crescent moon is when you want to perform your attraction spells, focus on growth begin new habits, start new goals and get the creative vibes moving. This is because the moon is becoming brighter, so it would be ideal to work with magick that surrounds growth and enhancement. Your goals can be to move forward in your career, enhance love or boost your self-confidence, for example. 

What is a spell to try for the Waxing Crescent moon?

  • Think about what your intention is and get a candle that corresponds to that goal. For instance, if your intention is to increase abundance and money, you'd want a green candle. If your intention is to enhance self-love, you'd want a pink candle. If you are unsure, remember white candles can be used as a substitute! Remember it doesn't have to be a huge candle either. You can use a small tealight or votive, too.
  • On a piece of paper, write what your intentions are and be very specific. Do you want a raise at your job? Do you want to increase more self-love for yourself? Writing your thoughts and emotions out help increase gaining the courage to chase after your dreams. (This is optional, you can simply say it out loud and reaffirm it in your mind if that's what you prefer)
  • Next, carve symbols that represent your goals into the candle. You can also carve in your own sigils or runes into it. Some symbols you could do, if you do not have or know of any sigils or runes to carve, could be hearts for love, symbols for happiness, strength or dollar signs for prosperity. If you don't have any witchy tools, that's totally fine! There are many objects in the kitchen you could probably use.
  • This is optional, but if you want to add some essential oils, herbs or small crystals to your candle that correspond with your intention, go for it! 
  • Next, say what you have written on your paper out loud so the Universe can hear and visualize yourself achieving these goals. Light your candle until it has completed burning. Once your candle is burned out, your intentions have been released to the cosmos. If you cannot leave your candle to burn completely, snuff it out instead of blowing on it because that will blow your intentions away.
  • When there is no candle left or you can't light it, the spell is complete. Dispose of any biodegradable ingredients into the Earth, collect any materials you want to reuse and throw out any materials you cannot reuse or put in the Earth. 

If you have any further questions please comment them below or ask in the coven chat! Thank you so much!



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