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Here is the 3rd part to Spells For Each Phase of the moon! We covered how the New Moon focuses on starting a fresh slate, cleansing away negativity and plant new needs of intentions. We talked about how the Waxing Crescent is all about attracting what you want and setting those intentions in motion. 

Now the first quarter moon wants you to think about your intention and HOW you’ll go about pursuing it. This moon phase focuses on growth and motivation. You may feel like you’re lacking the enthusiasm and motivation during this moon phase, so this spell jar is all about boosting focus! The best part about this spell jar is you can get almost everything at the grocery store.

First Quarter Moon Motivation Spell Jar

What you’ll need & what to do:

1.) Get any kind of jar you want to use!

2.) Put coffee grounds and/or red pepper flakes (this symbolizes creativity and energy), cinnamon (for speed, motivation, prosperity and abundance) and dried basil (this symbolizes wishes and luck) in the bottom of your jar.

3.) Add in chip or tumbles of citrine, red carnelian, bloodstone, hematite and black obsidian. (Remember if you don't have all of these, that's fine! These are just options of crystals to use)

3.) Add in bay leaves and sea salt for success, protection, confidence and strength. 

4.) If you have essential oils, add in a drop of lavender, rosemary and orange. Lavender is to ease anxieties, rosemary is for focus and mental clarity and orange is uplifting. If you prefer to put dried lavender buds, orange peels and rosemary instead of oils, that's totally fine.

5.) (Optional) Draw a sigil under the lid of your jar and seal your jar with orange wax (represents creativity and motivation)

6.) Keep on your altar, in your purse, in your room, in your pocket, etc depending on what size jar you used! When your spell jar is no longer necessary and your intentions have been fulfilled, you can dismantle your jar and reuse any ingredients you want, bury or burn any biodegradable ingredients and toss out the rest. Cleanse anything you want to reuse.

For biodegradable ingredients:

- Toss herbs in the wind if you are releasing something or want to blow out the last of your intention

- Throw them into a river if you are sending away something

- Bury near your home if it is something you want drawn to you and it is positive

- Bury away from your home if you are removing something

- Burn herbs, papers or anything else that can be burned

- I also found this website article very interesting because it discussed an unconventional way of throwing spell remnants in the trash, but doing so respectfully, because it may be challenging to witches in the city to dispose their spell jars. You could also try this method and dispose it away from your home if you are removing something.




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