Waxing Gibbous Spell (Patreon)
The Waxing Gibbous Moon is all about refining and reflecting on your intentions before giving it the final push to fruition for the full moon. You want to reflect on your growth and expansion. Really tune in to what you need to do to harvest the seeds that you’ve planted so you can rejoice in the fruit of your labors. There’s a couples ways you can do this, so here are some spells and rituals to try so you can harness your energy to send every last bit out into the Universe. Think about what goals of yours are near completion, so then you can pursue them full force. This is also the moon phase that you want to remove any negative bonds holding you back that are making you feel stuck.
This spell is going to focus on boosting your self-esteem to complete your goals. The Full Moon in the next phase, which focuses on harvesting the seeds (intentions) you’ve planted, so giving yourself a little boost would definitely help!
What you’ll need:
- Black candle
- White candle
- Rose Quartz or Rhodonite
- Writing utensil
- Paper
What to do:
- Hold your crystal in your hand and repeat affirmations to boost your self-esteem
- You can say “I love myself unconditionally. I accept myself for who I am. I move away from any toxic relationships or situations which may negatively impact my self love. I give and share love to those around me
- Light your white candle (promotes positive energy)
- Write anything you have already accomplished towards achieving your goals and intentions on the piece of paper. Write how you have the ability and potential of reaching your dreams
- Move the paper off to the side
- Put out the white candle and light the black candle (let go of unwelcome and undesirable energies)
- Reflect on anything that is holding you back from reaching your goals and intentions that you’ve set. Visualize yourself releasing these negative bonds while the black candle burns. While you imagine yourself releasing this, feel the vibrations build up within you and empower yourself with this magical energy
- Say these affirmations: I am worthy of reaching my dreams. I honor myself and my worth. I empower myself by releasing negative energy
- Add any other affirmations you’d like and end by saying ‘either ‘And so it is’ or ‘Blessed be’
- Snuff out your candle and embrace the renewed self esteem and confidence you’ve gained to achieve your goals. If not, repeat the spell.