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The Full Moon in Pisces is on September 1-2 and is also known as the Corn Moon. This moon is good for magic that contains divination, decoding dreams, expanding consciousness and clairvoyance. This gives you a chance to practice your divination since this is a powerful and mystical moon. The ritual/spell is going to be about moon divination, however, there are many others forms you can practice instead! If it’s too cloudy or if you don’t have a clear view of the moon, you can use tarot and oracle cards, runes, tea leaf readings, etc. The Full Moon energy could also be felt for up to 3 days if it is cloudy one night. This sign, Pisces, is all about intuition, so for this full moon, try out moon divination or moon water scrying.

What to do and what you need:

- A space where you can have quiet for around 20 minutes

- Paper and writing utensil

- View of the moon

On the night of a Full Moon, see if you can find a clear view of it from your window or outside. If the weather is crappy and you don’t want to do this outside, indoors is totally fine. Get yourself comfortable and meditate to calm your mind and body. When you breathe in, picture light coming in to cleanse your body and when you breathe out, picture any negativity you’re holding leaving through the exhale. Look up towards the moon and maintain your focus on it. Think about what you want to ask in which you hope to find an answer. Only try to do one at a time. Observe the moon with your question in mind until you receive a message with your answer. This could come in the form of inspiration, words, symbols, pictures, etc. Write down anything you see, hear or feel to refer to later. This is because sometimes a message may not make sense to you at first until you make the connection later. A message may also not be meant for you but for someone else you know, such as friends or family.

If you want to take this up a notch, make some moon water on the night of a full moon to try moon water scrying. To do this, cleanse any jar you’d like to use that has a lid on it. You can cleanse your container by using sage, incense, or whatever you prefer! Fill your jar up with spring, distilled or purified water and add in any herbs or crystals you choose. You do not need to add anything extra if you don’t wish to! Bless your water with anything you’d like to say. Leave your jar out overnight covered (even if it’s cloudy!) and bring it back in before the sun comes up.

Next, you can put your moon water into a dark, clear glass, or silver bowl. Try to not use plastic. Place crystals and four white candles around the bowl to enhance the magic. You can use crystals that correspond to the Full Moon, but if you don’t have crystals or candles, that’s okay too! You can use selenite, moonstone, amethyst, labradorite or clear quartz! Those crystals connect with the moon. Now, focus and soften your gaze into the water. Try to get yourself in a deep meditative state. Remove any distractions or negative thoughts that may be hindering you. Look at the flames of the candles and the water. What messages come to you? What do you see or feel? Do this for 10-15 minutes or 20 minutes if you feel comfortable. Follow the same steps for writing down everything you see, hear and feel to refer back and reflect on it.

Keep in mind that scrying takes practice! It won’t come easily at first, but for some it might! You can see images, feel or hear messages, etc. Use your intuition and trust yourself during this practice. You can also save this moon water to use in other ways, such as watering plants, making cleansing sprays, etc. If you want to leave it out longer to charge that’s fine too!There’s actually a couple posts on my Instagram with more ways to use moon water if you want to take a look!

An alternative ritual you can do for the Full Moon is to simply take a dark bowl filled with water and use it to scry under the full moon. You can either be indoors or outdoors. Try to get the reflection of the moon onto your water. Make sure you ground yourself, feel the Earth beneath you and tune into the energy surrounding you. For any of these divination and scrying practices you can add meditative music too if it will help!

"The technique of deliberately looking for and declaring these initial images aloud, however trivial or irrelevant they may seem to the conscious mind, is done with the intent of deepening the trance state, wherein the scryer hears their own disassociated voice affirming what is seen within the concentrated state in a kind of feedback loop. This process culminates in the achievement of a final and desired end stage in which visual images and dramatic stories seem to be projected within the mind's eye of the scryer, like an inner movie. This overall process reputedly allows the scryer to "see" relevant events or images within the chosen medium." - Oracles of Divination



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