Green Apple & Honey Money Spell (Patreon)
Hope everybody had a lovely Mabon! One of the most popular fruits that correspond with Mabon is the apple! This is a money spell that involves an apple and honey. Both of these have powerful properties of magick. This spell invokes how to manifest more money! This may not be a significant increase but keep in mind that a little does go a long way! This spell helps multiply your current finances and attract more money.
What you need:
These are ingredients that you can easily access either in your home or at the grocery store! All you need is a green apple, honey, blessed water, a knife, a plant either indoors or outdoors, and a coin.
What to do:
Perform this spell during a crescent moon at nighttime. Take a green apple and meditate on your financial goals and speak with any deities you work with that are associated with money. You may ask for permission if you work with any deities that are associated with money. Next, use a knife and carve a hole in the center of the fruit. In this slot, put in your coin(s) and honey.
Now, search for a place where a plant is in full growth. Use a shovel or anything that is necessary to dig to the roots of the plants. Bury your apple then cover it with soil. Be careful to not make any changes to the plant. This could be a plant in your home or outdoors.
Take your blessed water and water the plant with it. This is a way to give thanks to the power of the moon and sealing your spell, too. This can also be known as moon water, which is when you leave a jar of water overnight to soak up the power of the moon.
Remember that you must truly believe in your intentions in order for your wishes to come true. You cannot question it, you must fully immerse yourself in your own personal power. You can decide how much money to place into the apple to base how effective the spell would be. Take care of the plant that you have chosen as it grows and takes root. You will take care for the plant in the same way you take care of your finances. The plant represents the proserity you are placing down into your roots!