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Mabon was just a few days ago, also known as the autumn equinox, where light and dark are in balance and the fruits of your labor are celebrated. This is also the beginning of the sun entering the sign of Libra, which has the symbol of the scales which is fitting for this sabbat. A myth that corresponds to Mabon is the one of Persephone and Demeter. The beginning of autumn starts once Persephone goes back to the Underworld to be with Hades. Spring is renewed when Persephone goes back to her mother, Demeter. There are different variations of this myth, such as Persephone refusing to eat or drink in the Underworld because she despised Hades, until she consumed pomegranate seeds which then tied her to Hades. There is another version that says she grew to love Hades and knowingly ate the seeds and another one that says the seeds entranced her to want to willingly stay in the Underworld. This printable is just one of the variations of the myth.


Kim Caim
