Easy Weight Loss Spells (Patreon)
Here are a couple spells you can perform to motivate yourself in losing weight! They can help with controlling your cravings and willpower to achieve your goals. (There is also one in the previous Coffee Magick post!) Please note that you need to do this safely! If you’re noticing any changes that are unsafe, please stop the spells immediately.
Spell #1:
1.) Rub grapefruit oil on the bottoms of your feet during the day for more energy.
2.) Chant this:
“Let the sun assist me
With loss of weight
With all the steps I'll make
It is my will to see
So mote it'll be!”
3.) Rub your feet with waning moon water to strengthen the spell!
(Sourced from @yourlocalgreenwitch)
Spell #2:
What you need:
- Dark blue candle (one you can carve into)
- Carving tool
- Paper
- Weight loss crystals (sodalite, apatite, citrine, bloodstone, amethyst, seraphinite, tiger’s eye, yellow topaz, kyanite, goldstone, carnelian, etc)
What to do:
1.) Make a sigil related to weight loss (example sigil phrases: “I am __ pounds lighter”, “Weight loss”, “Shed pounds quickly”)
2.) Carve sigil into candle
3.) Light candle
Light candle daily and mediate with it, focus on your intent. Meditate with your crystals based on what your intention for weight loss (Are you trying to gain more energy, stop cravings, show willpower, increase metabolism or detox?) (See upcoming post for correspondences!) Hold them in your hands and infuse them with your goals and intentions. You can do it less often but the more often the faster this spell will work. Once the candle is all gone you may gain back a pound or two, but in general you could lose 5-10lbs depending on your BMI (the higher the BMI, the better the result)
✨OPTIONAL: ✨ Burn your hair in the candle for the very first lighting only (pull out one hair strand for each pound you want gone) (this is what’s called a tag lock and it can be powerful since it’s a bit of you) - Do when the moon is at Waxing Crescent for success and luck.
❌IMPORTANT NOTE❌ - There are no freebies in magick, spells don’t do everything for you, you of course need to be trying to lose weight, the spell is just a booster - The spell can only be done/created monthly - Please use this spell in a healthy way! You are beautiful people and your bodies are all amazing and if you think you need to lose weight that’s your choice but I encourage you to use this safely please!
(Inspo and sourced from @wxtches-energies)