A Talisman for Travel (Patreon)
In the coven chat, it was asked for a protection spell sachet or jar to use for vehicles. Here is one that I found and you can use a small jar or a sachet, whichever you prefer.
What you need:
- Yellow sachet or yellow fabric to create your mojo bag (the color of sunshine, air, and travel) (or a small jar if you prefer! You can use yellow ribbon along with the red ribbon if you chose this option)
- Red ribbon or yarn (the color of defense)
- Plants and herbs corresponding to journeys and protection, such as: acorns, ash leaves, the seeds of “traveling” plants (such as maples, milkweed, thistles, catalpa trees, ivy, rue, birch bark, pine pitch and dandelions)
- Dried sage or rosemary
- Pinch of salt
- Small pentacle charm (optional)
- Stones and metals associated with transportation include turquoise, periodot, jasper, iron, copper, lodestone or magnetite, and flint.
- Bird feathers work well for a transportation rite, especially those from cardinals or seagulls, but if you can't find a wild bird feather, use any yellow, red or white feather purchased from a craft store.
- Horse hair, soil gathered from a favorite vacation spot, a piece of deer antler, cat whiskers, or other power objects with personal magical significance may be used as well.
- Paper and writing utensil
What to do:
- You may wish to perform this ceremony on a Wednesday during the waxing moon. Cast a circle or otherwise create a protected space, such as drumming away any harmful energies and calling the ancestor spirits by shaking a rattle. You can use bells to clear the energy as well. You can cleanse the energies by using sage, incense or palo santo, too.
- Place the ingredients you have chosen from what is listen above into your sachet or small jar.
- You can write a phrase such as "guard this truck and all who ride within," on parchment or colored paper, using a magical alphabet such as Theban or Hebrew. Or use a Rune, planetary sigil or other protective inscription. Fold up the paper and place it within your talisman, or tuck it behind the sun visor. Magical sigils can be drawn in clay and baked, or carved or burned into a wooden disc. The Magician's Companion by Bill Whitcomb has hundreds of magical correspondences. Find the symbols representing travel and protection that best speak to you.
- Next, magically "charge" your talisman with energy. Call upon your Guides. Anoint your power objects with essential oil. Drum, dance, sing, braid the yarn for the mojo bag's tie, light a candle, or perform any other ritual that raises energy. Use a chant such as "Goddess Isis protect me, Lord Apollo ride with me, as my will so mote it be." (You can come up with something too!) Any repetitive chant which affirms your intent, creates a magical state, and is respectful to the Unseen World will help to charge an object with power. Don't forget to thank and dismiss any entities you've summoned in your ritual.
- Place your talisman in the sunlight for a day or two, then hang it from your rearview mirror, hide it away in the glove box, or tie it to your gearshift. This rite can also be adapted to a bicycle, riding lawnmower, boat, or any other vehicle. When your charm begins to look ragged, or if you perceive that its energy is wearing out, it's time for a new one. Some Witches make a new talisman for each Sabbat holiday or full moon.
(This is from Llewellyn’s & Penniless Pagan)