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Whether you are a green witch or not, you could try these natural healing herbs to nurture your psychological and spiritual well-being. There are many healing benefits from these herbs both physically and mentally. Many of these herbs you can grow yourself or buy! Even if you don’t have a garden, you can grow herbs in your windowsill, porch, balcony and your kitchen! These are great to use in your magickal self-care rituals and routines. There is also a lot of overlapping with the magickal purposes of these herbs so you can use them in multiple spells. For instance, lavender can be used in your craft for love, healing, protection and cleansing. Try these healing herbs, dried or fresh, to see what benefits you can gain from them!

1.) Garden sage

You’ve probably used sage to cleanse out negative vibes and energy from a space, which is awesome! Have you checked where your sage is sourced from? Make sure you use common garden sage because white sage is at-risk because it’s being harvested too much in the wild. “Furthermore, white sage is traditionally used for the Native American ritual of smudging, and those who aren’t members of the Native American community who co-opt the ritual using white sage are culturally appropriating it” (Well and Good). You can use sage to cleanse and purify your emotional well-being and space. Sage is great to use for getting rid of any negative vibes you may be feeling. Create incense, diffuse sage essential oils, make dried bundles or use in ritual baths.

2.) Rosemary

Rosemary is a herb that can be used for multiple purposes! It can also be a substitute for any herb in a spell. This is a herb recommended for every witch because if it’s many uses. The aroma of rosemary can be stimulating focus and memory. This herb can also be used in protection, cleansing, love, healing and feminine power spells. Hang rosemary from a doorway for protection, use while sweeping the floor to get rid of negative energy, or anoint yourself and your spells with it. Diffuse it to promote mental focus and memory, make dried bundles, use in spell jars or sachets or place it under your pillow!

3.) Lavender

Lavender has multiple benefits! These include de-stressing and easing into an easy slumber, and its versatility extends to mystical spells. You can use lavender for cleansing and love spells, too. You can use lavender in love oils, powders and ritual baths. For calming effects, keep a lavender sachet under your pillow at night to aid in sleep or attract love!

4.) Roses

In herbalism, roses are believed to help calm the the nervous system and heal the heart center. You can use fresh petals in a love bath, distill them into a rose water, or make a love-attracting incense! You can also use them for self-compassion and self-love.

5.) Chamomile

Planting chamomile in your garden is almost like having your most supportive confidant waiting at your window (or, more specifically, in your windowsill garden). You can use chamomile for friendship, luck, money and healing. It is also a very calming and relaxing herb to smooth frazzled nerves. Use chamomile in a herbal tea blend for anxiety, as a tincture for relaxing, to mend a friendship, or to attract abundance.

6.) Lemon Balm

Similar to chamomile, lemon balm is another comforting herb for emotional healing. You can use lemon balm as as a tea, in healing spells, in anxiety tinctures, or in ritual baths.

7.) Peppermint

Peppermint is freshly aromatic and can provide a jolt if your vibes feel extremely off. This herb is uplifting and energetic that stimulates physical healing in magic. Some ways to use peppermint are to “physically rub it on your body to discharge negative energy or ill health; make it into an herbal bundle; place a few handfuls in a healing bath; or dry it and add it to candles, sachets and powders.” (Ally Sands, certified master herbalist)

(Souce: Mary Grace Davis from Well and Good)


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