Quick Money Powder Spells (Patreon)
Here is a spell for making money powder to attract financial abundance! You can ground these herbs to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle and add it to any spell or charm where you’d like help in your finances!
Money Powder #1:
What you need:
- 2 parts cinnamon
- 2 parts cedar
- 2 parts
- 1 part ginger
- 1 part pine
Money Powder #2:
What you need:
- Nutmeg
- Basil
- Sandalwood
- Cinnamon
- Bayberry bark
Money Powder #3:
- 3 parts egg
- 1 part dried dill
- 1 part dried basil
- 1/2 part cinnamon
Money Powder #4:
- Lavender
- Cinnamon
- Nutmeg
- Baking powder
Some ways to use your powder are:
- Add to your wallet, money spell candles, spell jars or sachets, mailboxes, mojos, new wallets
- Sprinkle and dust around your office or business to encourage and bring in new customers
- Sweep the floors of your home with this powder to bring in financial help quickly
- Sprinkle at your front door to attract money
- Add it to a love spell sachet to attract a wealthy partner or encourage your current partner to be more generous and giving with money (Thanks to HooDoo Delish!)