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Blessed Samhain, witches! Here is Part 2 of the rituals you could do for Samhain! Samhain is today, October 31st! Whether you are with others or by yourself, you can perform these Samhain rituals. If you want to celebrate, but you're not sure how, take a look at these ideas below. These are all from wonderful sources that I enjoyed and hope that you do too! How are you celebrating Samhain today?

1.) Samhain Ritual Bath

Tools: dried rosemary herb, black candle, incense, small dish, chalice, sponge, holy/blessed rainwater

Light incense and black candle. Place a small amount of rosemary in the small dish. Place the rainwater in the chalice. Turn off all electric lights and fill your bathtub with warm or hot water.

Pick up the candle and pass over bathwater 3 times saying: By this element of fire, I purify this bath. May its light purify me and protect me this night. May it light my path on my journey through the darkness.

Put down the candle and pick up the small dish. Sprinkle 3 pinches of rosemary into the bathwater while saying: By this element of earth, I purify this bath. May it ground my spirit and remind me of those who have gone before me into the darkness.

Put down the dish and pick up the incense. Pass it over the bathwater saying: By this element of air, I purify this bath. May the wind blow away any evil that might wish me harm on my journey.

Put down the incense and pick up the chalice. Pour water from the chalice into the bath while saying: By this element of water, I purify this bath. May all negativity be washed away. May it cleanse my spirit for my journey through the darkness.

Lay in the bath and use the sponge to wash yourself with the purified water. Meditate on your upcoming Samhain ritual, on the loved ones you wish to reach on the other side, and on the ancestors you wish to learn from. Once you feel purified, open the drain and imagine all your negativity flowing down the drain.

2.) Samhain Witch Bottles

The general idea of the witch bottle is to not only protect yourself but send back the negative energy to whoever or whatever is sending it your way. You'll need the following items:

  • A small glass jar with lid
  • Sharp, rusty items like nails, razor blades, bent pins
  • Sea salt
  • Red string or ribbon
  • A black candle

Add the Three Items

Fill the jar about halfway with the sharp, rusty items. These were used to deflect bad luck and ill fortune away from the jar. Add the salt, which is used for purification, and finally, the red string or ribbon, which was believed to bring protection.

Mark the Jar as Your Territory

When the jar is halfway filled, there are a couple of different things you can do, depending on whether or not you're easily repulsed.

One option is to fill the remainder of the jar with your own urine - this identifies the bottle as belonging to you. However, if the idea makes you a bit squeamish, there are other ways you can complete the process. Instead of urine, use a bit of wine. You may wish to consecrate the wine first before using it in this manner. In some magical traditions, the practitioner might choose to spit in the wine after it's in the jar because—much like the urine—this is a way of marking the jar as your territory.

Cap Jar and Seal With Wax From a Black Candle

Cap the jar, and make sure it's sealed tightly (particularly if you used urine - you don't want any accidental spillage), and seal it with wax from the black candle. Black is considered handy for banishing negativity. If you're having trouble finding black candles, you may want to use white instead, and imagine a white ring of protection surrounding your witch bottle. Also, in candle magic, white is typically considered a universal substitute for any other color candle.

Hide in a Place Where It Will Remain Undisturbed

Now - where to stash your bottle? There are two schools of thought on this, and you can decide which one works best for you. One group swears that the bottle needs to be hidden somewhere in the home - under a doorstep, up in a chimney, behind a cabinet, whatever— because that way, any negative magic aimed at the house will always go straight to the witch bottle, avoiding the people in the home. The other philosophy is that the bottle needs to be buried as far away from the house as possible so that any negative magic sent towards you will never reach your home in the first place. Whichever one you choose, be sure that you're leaving your bottle in a place where it will remain undisturbed permanent

3.) Make a Protection & Abundance Talisman Samhain Ritual

Talismans have been made and worn for thousands of years! You can make a simple talisman as a Samhain ritual that is super powerful! Simply use a necklace or piece of jewelry that has a known protection or uplifting crystal such as: Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, or Clear Quartz. Clear the crystal by placing it next to a piece of Selenite or visualizing white light surrounding it. Charge it with the glow of the moon as you set your intentions upon it. You can put in on a windowsill to absorb moonlight while infusing it with positive affirmations! Imagine the words being put inside of your necklace. You can use words such as lucky, successful, happy, fulfilled, healthy, protected, safe and abundant! You can ask Archangel Michael to weave his protection in and through the crystal on your necklace. Then you can leave it in the moonlight to charge for at least an hour. And voila, you have a beautiful, protective, prosperity necklace for Samhain and the Celt’s New Year!






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