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Hey witches! Sorry this is a bit delayed, but here is the Samhain tarot spread. Hope everyone had a blessed Samhain! This spread used a Game of Thrones tarot deck if anyone is a fan of the show.

My Courage: The Hermit

The Hermit is a card that represents healing, recovery and introspection. This card wants you to find or acknowledge that you have the courage to search within. If you are battling demons internally, this card encourages you to pause and draw energy deep within your soul to find the answers you seek. You have the courage to start or continue your self-discovery journey to get closer to your authentic self. 

The Hermit also represents how you may need to muster up the courage to consider a new direction. Have you been debating on taking a new path? Evaluate your values, goals, motivations and principles so you can decide with certainty that it would be the right course for you. With meditation, self-evaluation, and contemplation, you can discover if a different approach to your goals is necessary.

My Fears: Knight of Spears

The Knight of Spears corresponds to the Knight of Wands. This card is all about pursuing a new idea that you've had with passion and full-force! Have you been wanting to start a new academic course? Start your own business? Leave a toxic relationship? This card wants you to get fired up, enthusiastic, and motivated to go forward with your new vision. However, you may be feeling hesitant or something is holding you back. If you've been feeling unsure about taking leaps with your new goal and idea, this card is giving you the courage and motivation to go for it.

Try to be mindful of impulsiveness, because the Knight of Wands can tend to "act first and think later". You can try to ground yourself and meditate if you are feeling impatient because you want your goals to happen "now". It may also be helpful clearly write out your goals and intentions so you can truly see if you actions are aligned with your vision. By doing so, you can make sure the activities and actions you take would really get you closer towards your new idea.

Life: What to Embrace

When the Strength card shows up in a reading, it wants you to embrace your inner strength, strong will, determination and personal power. Be careful to not take this overboard though to control and rule over others. Instead, try to use your personal power towards influencing others. You may also feel that others do not see or underestimate your power, but that can work to your advantage. This can be beneficial to you because you don't need to control a situation with excessive force. You can do so quietly without anyone realizing it's you calling the shots. 

This card wants to encourage you to embrace your confidence! This can help you overcome any obstacles, fears, anxieties, challenges or doubts. If you've been feeling burnt out and stressed because you are going through a tough challenge, this card wants you to embrace your will power to persevere. However, if you feel that rest is needed because you are tiring yourself out, this card wants you to embrace your intuition to know when you need to recuperate.

Death: What to Let Go of

The Queen of Spears can correspond to the Queen of Wands. This card wants to remind you that are inspiring, determined and amazing! You know how to channel your strengths and weaknesses to reach your goals. You know how to express yourself even when you are facing adversity. You just may be unsure of how to do that right now. The Queen wants you to let go of any uncertainty you may have about yourself. Harness your power and own it! You may be holding back from speaking up about something that is important to you, but this card wants you to release those doubts and express what you stand for. Believe in yourself!

The Queen also encourages you to let go of any uncertainties and fears you may have with shadow work. She wants you to get to know your shadow self, the darker parts of our personalities that can be hidden in the unconscious mind. You may be neglecting to process a certain part of you that is currently affecting you negatively. This can be anything you feel guilty or ashamed of, wounds from your past or parts of yourself you feel are unacceptable. You can be feeling jealousy, lust, desire for power or envious. This could also be a secret you've kept away, a project you haven't told anyone about or something others don't know about you. By letting go of this fear, you can start to be more authentic to your true self, connect with others on a deeper level, and embrace more emotional freedom.

To Celebrate:

The Chariot wants you to celebrate your assertiveness, passion and focus. This card wants you to celebrate the boundaries you have set forth that benefit your well-being. It takes a lot of courage to put boundaries in place from toxic people or situations, so you should definitely be proud of yourself for that. If you've just recently overcome any obstacles, you deserve to celebrate, too!

If you haven't conquered your challenge, this card reminds you to maintain your focus. Keep your determination strong, because there may be many winding turns on this path. Remember to take charge of your situation, create structured goals and make sure your aggressiveness is reeled in because it may hinder moving forward towards your goals. If you're also working on setting boundaries, remember you are strong and capable of doing so! It's definitely challenging, but you'll feel a huge weight lifted once you do.

To Contemplate:

The Lovers wants you to contemplate on a choice or dilemma you may be having with a relationship, situation or within yourself. Do you have a choice to make at work, in a relationship or an internal struggle within yourself? Gather all of the information you need to make your decision. Before you decide to take the easy route, consider all of your options and even though it may be more challenging down a different road, the rewards would be greater. 

This card also wants you to contemplate the communication you have with those you care about. Being open and honest can deeper the bond you have. Who can you open your heart and feelings up to? Are there any close friends, family members or romantic partners you can share more openly with? By doing so, you can feel more harmonious and fulfilled in your relationship. He or she may feel more comfortable and confident for being raw and honest with you, too.



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