Wine Cork Spells & Magick (Patreon)
Here are some spells and magick you can do with wine corks for the wine loving witches! You can find wine corks used in many popular crafts and DIY home decor, but did you know that you can also use them for witchcraft, too?! Open up your favorite bottle of wine and create some magick! Even if you’re not a wine drinker, see if a friend, family member or someone can hook you up with some!
Wine corks can be associated with the same magickal correspondences as wine: union and sharing. Here are some ways to use wine works in witchcraft!
1.) Wine is a social drink and reflects that in the magick that is possible with it. For example, consume a bottle of wine with close friends and have everyone write their name on the cork to keep the group close and connected over time.
2.) Use hot glue to adhere wine corks inside a small shadow box for use as a trivet on your altar.
3.) Hot glue wine corks together side by side to form a pentacle shape. Hang on a wall or door from a length of wide ribbon.
4.) This would be great for green witches! Write the names of flowers and herbs you intend to use for magickal and/or edible purposes on wine corks with a permanent marker. Stick the corks onto the ends of sharpened wooden dowels and place in pots as plant markers.
5.) An easy spell for strengthening bonds between people.
Take as many corks as there are people involved in this spell and write their name on the cork, visualizing their person as you do. Arrange the corks in whatever way feels the most welcoming to you, and light a candle. Take a while to visualize these people sitting around a fire, the flames casting a warm dancing light upon their faces. In this place, they are all safe and happy, talking joyfully with each other and laughing as friends.
Aloud or in your head, say, "As the flame flickers and burns brightly, so do the bonds between these people. Bathed in warmth, light, and laughter these bonds do not falter but remain strong until it should be no more. It is my will, so mote it be!" You can end this however feels best for you, and feel free to add more to it to suit your needs. Take a while if you wish to continue visualizing these people together until the time feels right, then extinguish the flame and tie the corks together with a string in a cluster. Take this cluster and bury it outside if you can. If you can't, then put them in a shoebox or some other container.
6.) A spell for fertility and conception
This spell is for couples that are romantically involved. Wine is an aphrodisiac and is often accompanied in stories by debauchery and fertility. If you are a couple trying to conceive a child, then it is recommended that both parties not drink alcohol, as it may inhibit fertility and chances or conception. Despite wine's relation to fertility, it is not recommended by doctors to drink if trying to conceive.
In this spell we shall use the cork as a talisman of fertility. Grab your cork and surround it with rose petals and a cinnamon stick or two. Ideally, burn some vanilla incense and bring the cork through the sweet smoke for a while before setting it back down in it's rose and cinnamon ring. Now, cup your hands around this display, and visualize two goblets or wine glasses resting side by side. Slowly, these glasses begin to fill with red wine, more and more as if magically filling from a spring. Soon, the glasses overflow, spilling wine over like a red waterfall. At this point, say, "Fertility overflow within and without, let me ripen to my prime to bear the fruit so stout. Bring me a child, safe and strong, vines growing steady tall and long." Infuse the cork with this fertility energy and then gather the cork, rose petals, and cinnamon stick up and place them in a sachet. Keep this in an appropriate place such as under the bed, pillow, or wherever seems proper.
7.) A spell to cause one to make a fool of themselves
Uh oh! We all know too much alcohol can cause some... Side effects. Often times drunk people blubber, stumble, and say things they regret in their stupor. This is, of course, a spell we shall use on another to influence them to make a fool of themselves, as if in a drunken state!
Grab your cook and write the name of the person on it, visualizing their person. Holding the cork, imagine wine pouring into their soul until it fills their entire body, effectively drowning out their image and causing them to be very drunk. Now imagine as vividly as you can this person doing drunkenly foolish things, stumbling, speaking rudely, etc. Now grab scissors and begin to cut away at the cork, small bits if you can. This might take a while but it's good time to continue visualizing. You want these pieces to be a size that is good to "sprinkle" as we are going to use this to place the cut up cork around an area where this person will see and touch, or walk over the pieces.
8.) A spell bottle to contain a person or bad habit
Corks are of course used for containing something, so this is what this spell is going to do. For this spell, you will need a bottle that is sealable by a cork. Craft stores sell these and I recommend a small tube shape for this. Now, on a small piece of paper, write out the name or bad habit (or both) onto this paper, really imagine this and why it needs to be contained. Roll it up tightly, and drop it into the tube. Now, let's fill the bottom with salt, to purify this person/bad habit/etc. Only a little, we are going to make layers. Now, grab some lavender, black pepper, and ground bay leaf. Fill the bottle with these but leave a space near the top for another, sealing layer of salt. Visualize the problem being sealed and neutralized as you fill it. Now, grab your cork. Imagine it being an impassible solid wall, containing whatever you've written on your paper from harming or interacting with yourself or anyone else. Fill it with a firey, absolute energy, and when you feel like it's been charged enough, seal up your bottle. If you have sealing wax, melt it on top of this cork. If not, try melting a candle over it. Now take this bottle and bury it ideally, somewhere secluded and away from places you go often.
9.) Abundance spell!
Onto the final spell today! A good old abundance spell using our cork. Grab your cork(s) and light a candle (gold or green, ideally). If you have any special oils you use for luck or money, go ahead and anoint the candle. Light the candle. Holding your cork in your hand, visualize yourself walking through a flourishing grape vineyard. Above you are so many vines heavy with rich bounty, grapes hanging from their vines in uncountable numbers. Pick some of these bunches and bring them back with you. Infuse the cork with the rich bounty you have brought back, knowing that your abundance is earned and assured. Take scissors and cut up the cork into sprinkle-able pieces again, visualizing whatever kind of abundance you desire coming your way. Feel free to include herbs that correspond to your goal along with the bits. Now, take your pieces and sprinkle them wherever you need abundance. Examples would be your wallet, your front door, your garden, etc.
So there you have it! These spells are pretty easy and great exercise as well. Don't be afraid of crafting your own spells, and remember to have fun.