Dream Work Correspondences (Patreon)
Here is some great information on crystals, herbs, animals, foods, incense, essential oils and more to use in dream work. Do you use any of these? What do you use for dream work? Comment below!
Dream Work Correspondences Masterpost
Agate: induces dreams, prevent nightmares
Albite: dreams, lucid dreaming, astral projection
Amethyst: vivid dreams, prevents insomnia, prevents nightmares, dream divination
Ametrine: helps to understand dreams
Angel Phantom Quartz: general dream work, lucid dreaming, angel communication, prevents nightmares
Angelite: astral projection
Benitoite: astral travel
Black Tourmaline: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
Blue Apatite: dreams that will help solve problems creatively, induce happy dreams
Blue Calcite: astral travel, induces dreams
Bustamite: induces dreams
Calcite: induces dreams
Chrysoprase: peaceful sleep, prevents nightmares
Clear Quartz: induce dreams, astral travel, dream recall, vivid dreams
Danburite: induces sleep, lucid dreaming
Dioptase: vivid dreams
Dream Quartz: dream enhancement, dream divination, healing dreams, prevents nightmares, past life work via dreams, dream manifestation, astral travel
Emerald: general dreamwork, prevents nightmares
Fluorite: protection during sleep, prevents nightmares, promotes deep sleep
Garnet: induces dreams
Goshenite: induces dreams
Green Jade: general dream work, dream divination, dream recall
Hemimorphite: entering the dream state, dream divination and visions, angel and spirit communication in sleep and dreams
Herkimer Diamond: general dream work, astral travel, induces dreams, vivid dreams, lucid dreaming, dream recall
Holley Blue Agate: general dreamwork
Iolite: aids with sleep disorders, induces sleep, astral projection
Jet: astral projection, protection in sleep
Labrodite: astral travel, vivid dreams, aids in dream interpretation
Lazulite: general dream work, astral travel, dream recall, lucid dreaming
Lepidolite: aids with sleep disorders, prevents nightmares, prevents confusion in dreams
Malachite: prevent nightmares, halts repeating nightmares, dream recall, induce sleep
Moldavite: entering dream state, dream messages, vivid dreams, enhancing dream work and dream spells, guidance through dreams
Moonstone: brings dreams, lucid dreaming, peaceful sleep, prevents insomnia
Muscovite: aids with sleep disorders, sleep inducement
Opal: astral travel, brings happy dreams
Peacock Obsidian: astral travel
Picture Jasper: general dream work, brings dreams of memories
Purple Jade: induces dreams
Prehnite: dreams, dream recall
Rhodizite: astral travel
Rhodonite: general dream work, lucid dreaming, helps with interpreting messages of dreams
Rose Quartz: prevents insomnia, pleasant dreams
Sapphire: astral travel, dream recall
Scolecite: induce sleep, dream recall, lucid dreaming, messages from dreams
Smoky Quartz: induces dreams, prevents nightmares
Sphene: dream recall
Stilbite: induces dreams
Sugilite: induces dreams
Tabular: astral travel
Zircon: induces sleep
African Dream Bean: lucid dreaming, spirit communication through dreams
Anise: prevents nightmares
Ash: prevents nightmares, dream divination
Ashwagandha: induce sleep
Bay: general dream work and spells, dream divination
Blue Lotus: prevents insomnia, induces sleep, lucid dreaming
Bracken: bright dreams with answers to problems, protection in sleep, prevents nightmares
Buchu: dream divination
*California Poppy: induces sleep, prevent insomnia
Clary Sage: vivid dreams, strange dreams
Cayenne: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
Cedar: prevents nightmares, strengthens psychic powers in sleep, protection when sleeping
Chamomile: induces calming sleep, prevents nightmares
Cinquefoil: brings restful sleep, dream divination
**Datura: lucid dreaming
Flax: prevents nightmares
Garlic: prevents nightmares, protection during sleep, induces sleep
Ginkgo Biloba: induce dreams, vivid dreams
**Heliotrope: dream divination
**Holly: dream divination
Huckleberry: make dreams come true
*Hyacinth: nightmare prevention, helps one to recover after a nightmare
Jasmine: restful sleep, pleasant dreams, induces sleep, induces dreams, dream divination
*Kava Kava: induces sleep (do not use if you have liver issues or on prescriptions!)
*Kanna: prevents nightmares
Lady’s Slipper: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
Lavender: induces sleep, prevents insomnia
Lemon Balm: induces sleep, refreshing sleep, prevents nightmares
Lemon Verbena: dreamless sleep, dream suppression
Lemongrass: dream inducement
Magnolia Bark: induces sleep
**Mandrake: sleep inducement, protection during sleep, dream divination
Marigold: dream divination, protection from dream magick and spells
*Mexican Dream Herb: clearer dreams, dream memory, lucid dreaming
Mimosa: dream divination
**Mistletoe: prevent nightmares, prevent insomnia
*Morning Glory: prevent nightmares
Mugwort: dream divination, astral projection, lucid dreaming, psychic and spiritual dreams
Mullein: prevents nightmares, protection during sleep, keeps nocturnal demons at bay
Mustard Seed: prevents nightmares
Onion: dream divination, protection during sleep
Passionflower: sleep inducement, calm dreams
Peony: protects from nocturnal demons notably incubi
Peppermint: dream divination, induces sleep
*Poppy Seeds: vivid dreams, induces sleep
Purslane: prevent reoccurring nightmares, keep away nocturnal spirits
Rose: induces dreams of love, dream divination in terms of romance and love
Rosemary: prevent nightmares, protection during sleep, past life work in dreams
Sage: peaceful calm dreams, helaing in dreams, prevents nightmares
Siberian Ginseng: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
*Skullcap: prevents nightmares
St. John’s Wort: dream divination in terms of love
*Tobacco: prevents nightmares
Valerian Root: lucid dreaming, sleep inducement, dream recall
Vervain: prevents nightmares, dream divination
Wild Asparagus: dream inducement, lucid dreaming, flight in sleep, astral travel
Wood Betony: prevent nightmares, protection during sleep
Yarrow: dream divination
**poisonous, do not eat!
*potentially toxic or dangerous, use with caution!
Almonds: induces sleep, induces dreams
Banana: induces sleep, promotes painless sleep, induces sleep
Blueberries: induces dreams
Cherry: induces dreams, induces sleep
Chicken: induces dreams, lucid dreams
Dairy Products: induces sleep
Eggs: induces dreams
Halibut: induces sleep
Kale: induces sleep
Kidney Beans: lucid dreaming
Lamb: lucid dreaming
Lettuce: induces sleep
Oats/Oatmeal: induces dreams
Passion Fruit: induces sleep, prevents insomnia
Pistachios: induces sleep
Pretzels: induces sleep
Pumpkin Seeds: lucid dreaming
Red Radish: vivid dreams
Shrimp: vivid dreams, induces dreams
Soy Sauce: induces dreams
Soybeans: lucid dreaming
Sunflower Seeds: vivid dreams
Tofu (cooked): lucid dreaming
Tomato: induces sleep
Tuna: induces sleep
Turkey: induces sleep, induces dreams, lucid dreaming
Rice: Induces sleep
Salmon: Induces sleep
Bat: dreaming
Beavers: subconscious thoughts, dreams
Groundhog: heightens dreams and states of mind
Leopard: communication in dreams, movement in dreams, sensitivity of the unconscious mind
Lizard: “Dream Walker”; dream messages, represents the dream realm
Lynx: insight of dreams, unconscious knowledge, dream interpretation
Mink: understanding your dreams while dreaming
Owl: messages through dreams, astral projection
Spiders: prevents nightmares, wards off evil and harm during sleep
Swan: dream interpretation, dream recall
Essential Oils:
Anise: induces sleep
Catnip: vivid dreams
Cedarwood: vivid dreams
Cinnamon: vivid dreams
Clove: induces sleep
Clary Sage: induces sleep
Eucalyptus: vivid dreams
Helichrysum: prevents insomnia, induces dreams
Jasmine: induces dreams
Juniper: vivid dreams
Lavender: induces dreams, lucid dreaming
Lemon Balm: vivid dreams
Mugwort: lucid dreaming, astral projection
Nutmeg: vivid dreams
Orange: vivid dreams
Palo Santo: induces sleep
Patchouli: lucid dreaming
Peppermint: vivid dreams
Rose: induces sleep, lucid dreaming, dreams related to love
Rosemary: vivid dreams
Sandalwood: induces sleep
Yarrow: vivid dreams
Ylang Ylang: vivid dreams
Ambergris: induces dreams
Bay: dream divination, brings visions
Cedar: prevents nightmares
Dittany of Crete: astral projection
Jasmine: dream divination, astral projection
Lavender: induces sleep
Opium: dream divination, lucid dreaming, induces dreams, induces sleep, dream spells of all kinds
Passionflower: induces sleep
Rose: dream divination
Rosemary: induces sleep, pleasant dreams, prevents nightmares
Sandalwood: astral projection
*Burn incense with caution please. Burn it before going to bed and make sure it is extinguished before you go to sleep for safety reasons.*
Silver: prevent nightmares, protection during sleep, induces dreams, psychic dreams, visions, dream divination
Blue: astral projection
Indigo: dream divination
Silver: dreams
Yellow: dream divination, creative vivid dreams