Cleanse Yourself With Selenite For The New Moon (Patreon)
New Moon is Scorpio is tomorrow on November 15th. New Moons focus on starting fresh and cleansing. You can cleanse your space with sage, Palo Santo, incense, selenite or however you choose and you can also cleanse yourself using selenite, too! Let’s read and learn more about this magickal stone and how you can use it for the New Moon! This stone absorbs and purifies light energy which makes it a powerful healing crystal. When you hold selenite, it is as though you have a piece of Pure White Light in your hands!
The way selenite captures and radiates light is mirrored on the metaphysical plane in the way it absorbs and purifies energies. It's no wonder this stone represents cleansing, purity, mental clarity and emotional renewal.
Selenite is useful any time you need to shift, re-set or cleanse your aura as it's excellent at moving and removing stagnant energy. Here are few ways to work with selenite:
Imagine using it like a sponge to soak up trapped emotions in the ethereal body, or like a sword to cut cords of attachment to toxic people, places or habits.
Place your selenite over your third eye or heart chakra in times of stress to absorb, purify and neutralize extreme emotions.
Use as a massage tool as its absorbent nature assists in removing energy blocks that keep muscles tight.
Hold it while resting to promote a calm, peaceful sleep.
Be sure to handled this crystal with the utmost care and respect. Selenite is one of the softest stones in a collection and must never be carried with other crystals without the protection of a soft bag or cloth. Not only will other crystals scratch the delicate surface of the selenite stone, but selenite's indiscriminate cleansing abilities can drain that full moon charge right out of your quartz crystals.
It is also water soluble, so selenite should be cleansed with smudging smoke, sunlight, moonlight or prayer instead of running water.
This magical, pearlescent stone is beyond beautiful- it is a powerful and essential asset in any healer’s toolbox!
Other Ways to Use Selenite:
Aura Cleansing: Use a small Selenite wand as an “energy eraser.” Start at the top of your head. Holding the wand about five inches from your body, slowly bring the crystal down your body. Visualize the crystal taking in all the negativity, anxiety and worries from your day. This simple technique only takes a few minutes, but is very powerful for clearing away unwanted energy.
Space Clearing: Use white candles in a Selenite candle holder to clear the energy of the room. Or simply place Selenite in any room where you want to clear the energy. I personally love Selenite towers for this purpose. Many people put Selenite wands on the windowsills of their homes to maintain a positive living environment.
Clearing Blockages in the Body: Selenite is a useful tool for removing energy blockages in your body. If you are experiencing tightness or soreness, place a Selenite wand on the specific area of your body for about 20 minutes. Believe me, you’ll feel the difference. I often use a Selenite wand with a clear Quartz point to dull a headache (place the Selenite on your forehead with the Quartz point pointing outward to direct the energy out of your body).
Jewelry Cleaning: Selenite is excellent for clearing and purifying jewelry. I put my Moonlight + Sage bracelets on a piece of Selenite every night before going to bed so they are energetically clean in the morning.
Energy Shifting: This is a simple technique that you can do in 15 minutes. Sit in a chair and place your bare feet on a selenite wand or stone. As you sit quietly, relax, breathe and let go. Feel the energy of the Earth under your feet. You’ll feel clarity and balance is restored within your body.
Selenite is a great stone to enhance your meditation and, while it's an important crystal for energy workers, it is an easy crystal for anyone to use. We are now offering small Selenite wands at as an add-on item. You can find them in the Sacred Spaces section of our website. In addition, anyone who books an Energy Work session at Bow & Arrow during the months of March and April will receive 2 free Selenite wands to continue the healing at home!